Chapter 33

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Eva ducked behind a dune bank, just as Arkon dove on top of her and shielded her with his wings. Flames crackled and roared on the other side of the dune, its orange light dancing on Arkon's scales.

She squeezed her eyes shut and clutched her head between her hands. Flashbacks hit her hard, threatening to paralyse her in fear and rage. The screams assaulted her mind then the stench of burnt flesh filled her nose. The weight of hundreds of lives lost crushed her chest.

"You are safe, Little One," Arkon assured her, wrapping his claws around her. "The flames cannot touch you here. Breathe through it." His soul flushed through her and urged her to take one deep breath at a time. The weight slipped off her shoulders, one tormented soul after another until she was alone once again in her dragon's claws. "Well done. If you are ready, there is someone who wishes to see you."

Sucking in a lungful of courage, Eva climbed out of his embrace and ducked underneath his wings.

The fire had been contained in two blasts that didn't land anywhere near her tent. The thieves were gone, leaving only scorch marks in the sand. A red dragon and her rider stood at the entrance of her camp, lightstone shining like a beacon in a world full of darkness.

Anna swung her leg over the saddle and slid down Aster's red scales.

Everything forgotten, Eva ran to give her a fierce hug. She got within an arm's reach, which Anna used to shove Eva to the ground.

"What in five hells is wrong with you?" she screamed, towering over Eva. "You don't just run away in the middle of a war! You could have been shot down!" She kicked the sand in front of her; Eva had to spit some out. "Do you have any idea what I had to do to convince everyone not to drop everything and get you back?" She paced angrily, hands on her hips. Eva had never been so scared of her; the Commander might as well be telling her off. Anna's hair had fallen out of her braid during her flight and was as wild as her rage; the lightstone was so bright, the locks could have been mistaken as fresh blood cascading down her shoulders.

Arkon shifted to Aster's side and watched Annaliese tear a strip into her.

"Look-" Eva tried to butt in, but the relentless Knight just kept going on and on about how selfish and childish she was. It was getting to the point where every word she said felt like a knife to Eva's gut. Eventually, she couldn't take it any longer and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry!" Eva was truly sorry. She'd had days to think about their betrayal and her anger, but now that Anna was here, all she could think about was how much she'd missed her friend, her home. Her bed. Even trees.

Annaliese stopped pacing, while still panting and glaring at her. Her lightstone lit up the camp--and illuminated the absolute menace in her eyes. "Get up!"

Wishing nothing but to repair the damage she'd done, Eva jumped to her feet, ready for more berating. Whatever it takes to make things right.

However, instead of more shouting, she pulled Eva into a furious hug, squeezing her so tight she could barely breathe. But it was okay, it felt really good to be hugged, even if it might kill her.

Anna stepped away, holding Eva's shoulders, tears in her eyes. "You scared a lot of people, you know. Jacob, Leo, me... and Grayson."

Eva scowled at his name. She'd been trying to forget about him, much preferring to focus on the mission than on that hot mess.

"I'm sorry," she repeated quietly. "I... How would you feel if everyone you knew was lying to you about the man whose brother murdered your entire village?"

Anna's gaze softened. A bit. "But he didn't do it, Eva. None of it is his fault. He's still the Grayson we know and work with."

"I just wish I knew before I..." It was suddenly hard to swallow. "I kissed him."

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