im marinke im pantyhose

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few hours later not long hour before i finaly could get dome sleep. one of the alien pantyhoae futa woman bang on my pod wake up have you think about it?.i wont join you in this pantyhose invasion.she open the hatch laughing.begin to cum inside & true her pantyhose as a bew black soft liquid slide grab my feet i try to kick it try to pull it off somthing but same a s sharon noting worked.i scream bag on the glass let me it spreading around my enkle slowy aroudn my bare lower legs i ging into a panic mode bangering harder on the glass hope it open.the alien pantyhose futa woman just laugh show her hosedfuta & her body.once you cum inside of the hose we gona have fun.i saw the where my pussy gonna land spead these tentecle shape inta futa as it slowy inside of my naked pussy as soon the alien black pantyhose spread around my upper legs slowy around my tie i took a deep breath it felt like the pantyhose is focking me nog only thet it try to seduce i fight it it feel like a pantyhose legs brushing agianst my barelegs up & down.tears running down from my eyes.these alien pantyhose are softer sexier ohh kinda feel dint take long before i cum inside of the alien hose.i because dizzy so much cum i pass out.i felt somthing whas spread true my pussy.i cant say how long i past out but slowy opening my eyes my vision whas wierd i could feeling agianst my lower body.thets it wake up pantyhose slave.i could feel i cum inside & true my pantyhose i slowy sit up.i could see im pantyhose slave encased in a black alien pantyhose i even have a female futa hard agianst the inside of the sodt 20 denier alien pantyhose thet make me arousel horney.because i could speak or ask the alien futa woman brush her hosedlegs agianst my hosedfuta as she slowy deep kiss me i slowy lay on my back as she chance her posistion my hosed futa slowy slide inside her alien warm hosed pussy as i begin to fuck her.we both climax i cum allot.she step up grab my hand walk toward side of there spaceship.a window show our planet.why do i have self control?.wel one because i like you two i can chance your mind & you take a dont ask what the reason also is.we just try to survive.your planet is slowy dying polution gas factory war.if we control this planet young  all hot sexy all female girls & womans enslave noting but pantyhose all day long.on country will be male & female.peace no war.we try to reform your earth into will do a job think about pantyhose is bonded with your spine brain body if you try anything before you can do you became a turning can help us to make both world beter.before wave 2 i ask join us freely or we leave the planet.wipe memory like noting happend.okey i accept the bet.they beamed me after they scan the area.the campire is fual is emptp as i just wearing a black pantyhose head to toe.i walk all around the small village.i dint freeze or feel cold.a sexy female voice appear in my head hi im your pantyhose fused with your mind spine sexual & sex drive & much i feel good ?& sexy soft.yess you as we are bonded.i could see my house not further away.well do you know what your are?.well i woke up as a soft 2 denier pantyhose.i felt a bod between me & my like them but just in a form of i open the door there whas a note on the table.i whent upstairs after lock the door.i whent down agian put some woodcoal inside the furnce as my pantyhose smelt back to the waistband of my wil always go automatic melt back until your waist becasue waist to toe is already encased forever melted as on skin & flesh.
i gran a metal flint start a small fire as it became bigger.the heat begin to spread the the house.i start the it became warm but low i slowy enter the badtube just me & my pantyhose what do you think of marinke?.forcing poeple into mindless pantyhose in agianst it but a part of me whant to help my planet & your it true about your planet?.yess the hose responds.i check my textes i need to dress up whent to work.pantyhose says true my head like telepatic focus pantygoae futa transform into normale hosedpussy.everything is normale shit the note.oh its from nikki hey how are you imwith nikki im very worried i need to go i wont be back for next 2 month.somthing in the family.i miss ou mr time i dont know where you phone is at home see you soon xxnikki.i grab my bike whent to uncle jackie bar.darling how are you where have you being.i needed some time alone im sorry.dont worry girl can you help?.sure sorry i needed to think about a few things.2 weeks left then its christmiss you celebrate with us agian?.yeah sure as i smile i could use some other mind.he grab my hand whent to the back?.are you okey darling?.if you whant i can call you mother & dad?.i be fine jackie haha.just so much to think about i got almost a gonna finish my school i can always deside.he gave me a kiss on my check as my hose to not to disctrate me.we begin to close up i hug uncle jackie thank for liseting uncle problem go home.see you tomarrow if you ready for i came home i try to call nikki.hey marinke is thet you miss you be on 12 feb missed calls.i type back hey sorry needed time alone somthing happend so stay at the lake begind my house.our little island middle of the river.i need to think text me before you come to me.xx marinke.i lock the doors close all curtains put a fire on in the furnce as it slowy became warm.i took a small shower as my hose refrese it self.i dry us both my pantyhose encased me from pantyhose waist band toward my head hosedpussy transform into a hosed futa pussy.
i bite my lips panthose feel so good i whent on my bed i sit like a dog on all fours i begin to fuck the pantyhose from the naked futa slide agianst the inside of the soft hose.oh this feel soo good as i begin to cum inside & true my pantyhose i begin to sleep.the next day i dress up eat somthing shop a few thing came back get ready for whas busy.some talk go around noting from the missing girl.parents gave a hard working day 2 pm everyone whent to work or back to is nice sunny & cloudy as slowy we could see a dark shadow pitch i going outside i could see the alien ship slowy approuch us.everyone piont thiere finger toward the ship as it stop above us.a female voice spoke dear humans leave this planet or els.noting happens.everyone taking picture it.a hole army got deployed tanks jets chopper bombers even anti air missle & anit air guns.alien leave us alone there is no place.the female robitc voice spoke agian i give you 30 minutes to give up.or the first wave begins of the 5.gun blazing gunshot.ingot scared as jackie close everything as we all hide.warning 5 minute until first wave of emp will be actice female voice says it.jets bumbers choppers land most of time a liht blue light appear bzzzz.a shockwave of emp hit the hoe world slowg car small crashes or tram dint work a few jets crash true the network noting works.suddenly i notic smoke a small explosion as they slowy disappear woevering between our planet & the sun.its pitch dark.a special generator at the hospital turned on.most poeple getting reasy to leave to other country even its no use.the alien ship EMP the hole earth
only hospital has special designed generators.
everyone screams panic.i dont feel bad i dont feel panic.i whent to nikki house as she is not home there is a note as i pull it from the door.same mesage on my dinner table.the house look empty
i walk away as the militairy start to panic a commander scream at there soldiers.its a mess i walk slowy toward home saw uncle jackie.hey uncle jacky & marry ?,hey darling im sorry i go to my family until this is over if you whant you can come.i wish i could im waiting for nikki.i cant go they smile gave me some axtra money here some 2k for this month.he hug me with his wife as they wave as they walk toward the i walk home i keep looking around me as i walk toward the forest & enters the secret teleporter.i walk around as it became quit i walk toward the forest enter the a secret portal.i check a few time if sombody follow me ofcourse i walk true the ship.lab is empty hall.i walk toward the bed room all 4 laying on bed encased by the alien soft black aliem female pantyhose.sharon hosedfuta hard as always pantyhose feel so good i oney my pantyhose thet is al she says the most.fully pantyhose slave & brainwashed.her mouth is open.i woke up one of the alien futa pantyhosed she followed me my pantyhos encased me agian.i gonna join the invasion.are you sure pantyhose slave.yess with my own will inside of condition jackie wite him self & daughter will be fine have a beter life.she grab my hand go to other room push me on my bed she spread my hosedlegs she slowy push her hosed female futa isnide my hosedpussy as my hosedfuta get inta harder.she begin to give me deep kiss our pantyhose body & pantyhose legs touches each others ohh yess i turn us around beginnto fock my pantyhose alien mistress nira.we both begin to cum.a smile appear on my face im pantyhose i obey my pantyhose we both fall asleep.

im one of them now before my eyes closed.
i whant this.

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