At the Loud House...

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It was a normal Saturday morning at the Loud House. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and the sound of Lincoln's sisters fighting could be heard as usual. That's what Lincoln was used to and he wouldn't trade that for anything.

*Lincoln checks to see what the problem is.*

Lincoln: *knocks on Lori's door.* Hey girls, may I come in?

Lynn: *angrily.* Beat it Stinkoln! We are dealing with girl problems you wouldn't understand.

Lincoln: Maybe I would if you explained them. You know I fix all your problems around here.

Lori: Fine twerp. So basically, all the sisters started fighting over my relationship with Bobby and regards to when me and him are getting married, doing the deed, having kids, etc.

*Lincoln then faints.*

Lola: Oh my god Linky! Are you alright!

*Lincoln then wakes back up.*

Lincoln: *angrily shocked* YOU GIRLS WHAT?!

Leni: We just wanted to know when our family and Bobby's family will finally unite together harmoniously.

Lincoln: First off, why must you all insist on going that deep in her personal relationship with Bobby. Like look at the second thing Lori mentioned, is that something you should be concerned about?!

*The rest of Lori's siblings start blushing in embarrassment at what Lincoln just said. They didn't realize what Lori actually meant until now.*

Leni: Sorry we got into your love life Lori. We didn't realize the second thing you mentioned is super personal.

Lori: Uh, yeah it kinda is. Like why did you even care about it to begin with. Who told you guys to care?

Luna: It's my fault. Sam told me. She said a great way to connect with your siblings to ask about your siblings love life and she mentioned the second thing you said earlier.

Lori: I'm so gonna get you back for that Luna.

Lincoln: Hey, we will not do that.

Lori: Now next time girls, please stay out of my love life unless I specifically decide to tell you.

Sisters in unison: Yes Lori, sorry Lori.

Lincoln: Come on girls, let's leave Lori alone and y'all come hang with me.

Sisters (sans Lori) in unison: Alright Lincoln.

They then head downstairs with Lincoln as to give Lori some peace and quiet.

Lola: So Linky, where are you taking us?

Lincoln: Glad you asked Lola. First, we are going to see the new Ace Savvy movie based on my creations and then head on to Gus' Games and Grub for some pizza and games.

Lynn: Normally I would give you a hard time about your favorite stuff, but I'm excited to see my Ace Savvy character on the big screen.

Lincoln: Yeah! It was so cool of the judges to get fired and reshoot the movie with me and Clyde in it like it was meant to be!

Luan: Speaking of Clyde, is he joining us too?

Lincoln: Can't, his two dads and his Nana Gayle went to Italy for spring break to visit Rome, Venice, Naples, and other cities for Clyde's culinary school project.

Luna: Lil' dudes' got a project?

Lincoln: Yeah. He signed up to go to this culinary camp and at the end, they go to Italy and make food  for some judges. Whoever wins gets a trophy and wins a vacation home in Italy.

Lola: Holy moly! Why didn't you enter it with him Lincoln? You could've won us a vacation home.

Lincoln: Do you really think I'd go to a camp based on something I'm not good at?

Lola: Fair point, but I don't see any of your nerdy conventions giving out cool prizes like that!

Lincoln: You do realize we're going to see a movie with us in it, right?

Lola: Oops, I forgot.

They then begin to have their fun. Now let's see what our other main hero is up to in his dimension.

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