Chapter 2

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Bucky sat in the common room, staring into space and playing with the ring on his chain. The events leading to his stay at the compound and his nightmare played over in his mind. He hated that he was stuck helping the Avengers under false pretenses, but everyone was willing to help him. Well, the ones he let know. Tony and Natasha were keeping a lookout for him, but they seemed to only lead Bucky to deadends and fake reports.

The brunette super soldier hadn't moved from his spot on the couch all day. He didn't notice the passing of time or who sat with him or not. Still, it didn't surprise him that Steve hung around him the most. Since Bucky's "rescue," Steve had inserted himself into everything his friends did, no matter if Bucky wanted him there or not. And frankly, the one-armed man wanted very little to do with his blond counterpart.

"What's up with Cyborg?" Sam asked, coming in from a training session.

Steve seemed annoyed as he said, "He had a nightmare about the girl he met while in hiding."

Sam chuckled. "Wait, he's upset over some girl?"

That caught Bucky's attention. Sam was talking about his fiance like she was just a random hookup.

The two men looked at the one-armed soldier as he said, "She's not just 'some girl.'" His face softened. "She gave me everything when I had nothing."

Sam smiled, seeing the change in his friend as he responded, "She sounds special."

"She was. She never judged me for my past or arm. She lived in the moment and accepted everyone." Bucky glared at Steve. "I would have married her if someone hadn't used SHIELD agents to lie to me and arrest her."

That shocked Sam. He hadn't known about any of that, and to hear that Steve had used such underhanded tactics was a surprise.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Steve replied, looking upset. "She wasn't arrested. She fought the agents and escaped. And how long are you going to be mad at me for doing what I had to? You needed to come home."

He hated hearing that. Steve had destroyed the life he was building with his girl and Bucky couldn't stand it. That day, everything he loved had been taken from him and it was his best friend that had done it. The same one that had found the engagement ring and returned it to Bucky, who collapsed as he became unable to breathe.

There was a frantic knock on the door, drawing Bucky out of his head. He stood up and headed towards the entryway.

"Until I find her, Steve," Bucky said, passing by the blond man and slamming his shoulder into him.

When Bucky opened the door, time froze. He saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen... again. Her raven hair was longer than he remembered, but it still shined a blue-black in the sun. It was as if heaven had answered his prayers and finally returned the one good thing in his life.

"Doll?" he asked in shock, his brain unable to process what he was seeing.

Tears welled up as the greatest sound played through the air as she said in the same tone, "James?"

She stared at him, too stunned to move or comprehend him being there. But neither of them cared as he pulled her in for a passionate and hungry kiss.

It was as if the last three years apart had never happened. The love between them had not lessened. If anything, it burned brighter.

When they pulled apart, he took her ring off of his chain and replaced it. Fresh tears fell and it was her turn to devour him. There was so much to tell him, so much time to make up for, and so little time to do it all. She was just happy to be in his arms again and he was glad she was okay.

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