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"Is there anything better then meatloaf and mashed potatoes Miss.?"

"Do we look like a five star restaurant? No, so stop complainin' and get movin'."

"Uh... do you at least have fresh fruit?"

"Your holdin' the line up. You want fresh fruit go get it yourself from the kitchen. I don't have time to be dealing with your picky attitude."

"Okay... thanks."

Walking back to the kitchen, I threw out my gooey mashed potatoes and rock hard meatloaf. Just looking at it almost made me puke. Grabbing an apple, banana, orange and plum, I trotted my way back to my seat. Peeling away at my orange, I was waiting for my bestie, ride to die girl, Charlotte. She was something, always full of surprises. I don't know what I'd do without her when I arrived here, she kept me strong and solid and, away from tears.

"Aubrey! Where are you lost?!" she exclaimed, snapping her fingers in front of my face and dropping her lunch tray on the table.

"Oh god! I didn't even see you there. What took you so long anyways?", I asked.

"I'm gunna tell you what took so long! Some douchebag at the front of the long line was holding everyone up because they didn't want to have this nasty lunch. So that gave everyone else the will to ask for something else to eat.", she said while shoving the gooey mashed potatoes in her mouth, cringing at the horrible taste.

"Haha, well... about that..." I said, awkwardly eating the rest of my fruits quietly.

"It was YOU! Bree you don't even know what you started up in the cafe line.", she said. Glancing back at the line, I saw the cafeteria lady give me the most deadliest glare, ever! "I can tell, she seems very pleased with you," she said chuckling, interrupting the glares me and the cafeteria lady were giving each other.

"Yeah, I suppose she forever hates me now." I exclaimed, with a hint of sarcasm. Just as I was about to ask her a question, the schools and the camps biggest drama queen decides to stop by our table, Stacey. I knew she was in for some trouble today. See the thing is we are all Leo's in this camp and we all are headstrong and opinionated in many situations. We tend to get very fired up with small situations and problems. So getting involved in a fight with Leo's is a death wish.

"Oh, look at this Maggie, Somebody stole our tables." said Stacey to her two minions, Maggie and Morgan. Those two were truly idiots, they would do almost everything and anything Stacey says as long as they were noticed with her as well. Sometimes I wondered why Stacey would hang out with losers, but then I usually answer my own question: that's because she's a loser as well! This caused me to start laughing at my apple I was facing.

"Hey! Stacey you know I'm here as well, I don't understand why you always have to talk to Maggie first! I swear sometimes I feel like I'm absolutely useless with you-"

"MORGAN! Can you please SHUT UP! I don't think you understand, I've told you many times, starting off with saying your names sounds so... wrong."

"WHAT!? Please it sounds way better, just listen; 'Oh, look at this MORGAN , Somebody stole our tables.'. So much more better then Maggie. Maggie sound childis-"

"If you don't shutup Morgan I'm going to have to kick you out of this squad again, and this time you aren't coming back!"

Listening to their arguments were the best part of the whole situation. They were so... dumb and entertaining in many ways. Me and Charlie started to laugh halfway through their argument till Stacey finally notices.

"Anyways where was I? Oh yes. So I see that Brownie and Latte have stole are tables. Aren't I right?" snorted Stacey with her so uptight attitude. One thing I never understood was why she called as food. Was she always hungry? And where does she even get Brownie from Aubrey and Latte from Charlotte.

"Stacey, I think you got to get the contacts of yours fixed again. We've been sitting here for the past two years and we always sat here. Clearly I see that your area has been blocked off due to last week. Aren't I right?" I said, smirking along at the connection to last week. See what happened last week was Stacey found the cafeteria ladies hair in their food. Because of that piece of hair, Morgan and Maggie puked, for some wild reason and Stacey climbed on the table and stomped all over the the food and table. Due to her enormously big heels, it cracked the table and she fell right threw. The whole cafeteria burst into laughter and she was an embarrassed wreck.

"What are you talking about. Nothing happened last week Brownie. Anyways, we want our seats,so you better get up." said Stacey.

"We aren't going anywhere, just to let you know." said Charlotte.

"I don't care. You have to leave, nobody EVER doesn't listen to me." exclaimed Stacey with anger starting to rise. She was a girl not used to hearing no.

"Well that's to bad right? There's always a first to everything, right Charlie?" I said.

"Right!", said Charlotte with a grin on her face. I think she knew where I was going with this.

"Oh yea, there's always a first for everything!" snorted Stacey, "Just like there was a first for you being the only orphan in this camp and how your mother died right in front of your eyes" she said, glaring in my way, emphasizing every word. Just like that, the mood went from fun to serious. Clenching my fist and making the plum in my other hand burst open, I glared straight into Charlotte's soul, she knew I was going to do something stupid. Her face was filled with horror as she saw me looking back up to Stacey.

"Well, I guess here's a new first for you." I said, getting up staring right into Stacey's eyes. I saw the horror come across her face. It was something to watch. I realized that the whole cafeteria went quiet now and everyone was watching me. Morgan and Maggie backed away leaving her and me in the middle.

"Wh-what are you going to do?" she stammered as she was looking for and escape.

"Something you never expected." and with that I brought up my clenched fist and punched her straight in the nose. As she fell to the floor, I saw the blood on my knuckles. Looking back to Stacey's face, I realized that I broke her nose and it was a bloody mess all over her face. With that, I started laughing and heard cheers and roars, clapping me on. Smirking to her face I told her one last thing before turning around and leaving for the day, "There's always a first for everything, right Stacey?". And with that I turned around to realize that I bumped right into a soft cushy item. It was round and I for some reason heard grumbles as well. Looking up, I saw that I was certainly in deep shit now.

"Well, Aubrey what do we have here?" he said, looking down at Stacey with a grin forming on his face, quickly replaced by a serious frown. "This is the third person in two weeks Miss.Wilkerson. I guess I'll be seeing you in my office once again."

"Right now sir?" I said, in a innocent and sweet tone.

"Yes, now." he exclaimed and with that he was off.

"Ugh, why does the principal always have to show up at the wrong times. I guess I'll see you after school Charlie." I said to her as I rolled my eyes and lightly massaged my knuckles. Her nose was solid as a rock.

"Fine, I'll see you later", and with that she left for her next class. While I trotted to the office.

Entering the office I saw an unfamiliar face, and with that the principal spoke.

"I'd like you to meet Nathan Underwood. Your punishment as well as your new best friend." He said with the widest grin on his face. I looked at him as he shot me a sexy yet innocent smirk. With that, I knew I was in for an adventure.


OMG SORRY GUYS!, i got toooo lazzy for a while so i set it back but ill try to update quicker next time

xoxo Mariam_82

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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