If You Liked This Story...

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Hello, all.
It's been while, huh?

I just wanted to drop in really quickly and say a few things.

1. Thank you to everyone who's supported this story. I truly do love every single comment (especially the ones about Bethany being a total bitch to the PTV guys. I laugh so hard at those) and I appreciate every last read and vote. You guys have made writing that much more enjoyable for me.

2. If you liked this story, I've written a new story similar to this one called "Kidnapped by Of Mice and and Men" and don't worry, it won't be as devastating as this one.

3. My user on Instagram has changed to @grxci3_

That's all for now! Check out that story if you'd like!

And because I think those of you who just finished this story need a bit of comic relief, I've attached the Dumb Song by Psychostick, because it's hard to be sad while listening to that song.

Love you all so so much and thank you for everything!


Kidnapped by Pierce the VeilWhere stories live. Discover now