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Xiao Zhan woke up with a greater spirit of energy running through his veins. Just with a jump, he landed on feet, folding the bedding and quilt on his way. 

Morning routines are far away speedier than the other days. Within one and half hours, he finished cleaning, eating breakfast, doing dishes and laundry. While putting laundry to dry, he enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun. The green grass under his feet seemed very soft and he all of a sudden had an urge to feel them on his bare sole. Putting aside his sandals, Xiao Zhan slowly paced a few laps on the lawn. 

It was a naturally created one. Being the busy person he is, Wang Yibo didn't have the time to maintain them, let alone sweep all around his house daily. He only does it on weekends or whenever he has spare time to spend on it. Though Zhan, after his arrival, did it everyday but seeing the greenery on the back of the house, he spared it like that. Maybe he could work a couple of hours on it and make it an entertainment place for them.

Zhan enjoyed the atmosphere here. It was similar to his own grandparent’s place. Even the planning of the house resembled so much. He walked on the lawn, gazing at the roof. It is smaller compared to theirs but beautiful. 

Cool breeze caressing the small strands of hairs fallen onto his forehead. He irritatedly put them aside, remembering he had to cut them asap. It is because of Xue Chen, he decided to keep them. Only because Xue Chen likes it. Those shining eyes of Xue Chen, looking at Zhan warmly and tucking that lone strand fell on his forehead with that delicate hand. Whispering 'You are beautiful’ near his ear… There was a sting in Zhan's heart remembering it. Only if, only if Xue Chen is a little bit braver… Zhan sighed hard. 

It's time for him to move on. Other than anybody else, he knew it wouldn't work between them. He squeezed the water out of the last piece of clothing in the tub and put it on the rope to dry. 

As he was about to go, Zhan saw that girl again. She is their neighbour, the daughter of Mr.Shen. Zhan has been noticing her since the next day he started living in Wang Yibo’s house. She is almost of his age, maybe a year younger. Looks nice but tongue, Zhan doesn't have a good impression about that thing of her with the way she talks with others. But he must appreciate her skills to use it the way she wants. Even her giant brothers who were respectively two and four years older than her might look like two grown up hungry bears to others, but for her, they were just her teddy bears. She was pampered a lot by them and on top of that, she would take advantage of them too.

 Definitely Zhan had noticed her peeking over the fence to them. In fact, he would have appreciated it if he wasn't a gay. He might have responded to her eldest brother instead. What to do, that guy seemed very oblivious about his hints. Yeah! He had tried his luck on that man too. Eldest son of Mr. Shen looked very handsome. Well built. Zhan just wants to forget about that Xue Chen guy. 

Speaking of the devil, Zhan saw him over the fence, coming out of Mr. Shen’s house. Usually he would never give a glance to their place but this time, Zhan saw him looking in Zhan’s direction as if he was assessing Zhan. Zhan felt awkward. Why does it seem as if he was looking at a thief? He scratched nape and gave a hesitant 'Hi’ to him with a wave of hand. It was totally ignored. The guy simply took the sickle near their portico and went away carrying a bamboo basket, probably going to get pig weeds. Maybe Zhan could lend a hand? He grinned and followed the guy. 

Behind Yibo's house is a mountain. It has a variety of plants from fruit trees to little grass. Xiao Zhan was watching it everyday and wondering whether he could get a chance to go there. Not that he is afraid but it is better to have a native to go with him. He knew, his laoban being a busy person would never be able to accompany him. Now that the son of Mr.Shen went there, he wanted to follow him. 

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