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Apparently, Yibo forgot to pay electricity bills. Again. That was why there was no light in his house. But when he opened the door, that wasn't the case. 

The whole living room was illuminated by candle light. An incense, which Wang Yibo remembered as his grandparents' asset, was there spreading a soft fragrance in the air. 

He frowned thinking about the possibility of the boy searching all over his home but then it was replaced with nostalgia as he heard the phonograph in which an old melody played at its own will. When he was a child, his grandparents used to hear it everyday whenever he visited them during his holidays. He smiles at the memories. 

Xiao Zhan was fast asleep, lying on the couch. His head rested on one of the armrests and feet shoved across the other. Head tilted to the right, right arm thrown to the floor. On his chest, an open book snuggled while the left arm rested on top of it, securing it lazily. Seems like he fell asleep while reading that book. 

The whole place looks clean and tidy. Xiao Zhan was also wearing fresh clothes. His hair was still dampened. He might have bathed late. Wang Yibo flet envious of him for a moment at how peacefully he was sleeping. Then it was replaced as a fondness. He felt thankful to the boy who worked hard to make that place look like how it is right now, a home.

Yibo couldn't help but smile at the peaceful atmosphere. After the day's chaos and troubles, this view made his meddled mind find solace. At the moment, he wanted nothing but to sleep somewhere there. Any corner of that living room would be enough. 

Feeling reluctant to interrupt Xiao Zhan's peaceful sleep, Wang Yibo went to the kitchen with the groceries he purchased. There he saw another candle litten. Some dishes were kept on the counter as well as plates and cutleries for two people. 

Wang Yibo placed the groceries in the right places and saw there was already some stocked up. Seems like Xiao zhan also brought groceries. He then opened the lid of one pot and was attacked with the mouth watering aroma of fried chicken. His eyes shone with delight. There was also soup and slaw. Yibo couldn't wait to taste them. 

“Laoban! You are here?” 

Xiao Zhan's voice from behind him startled Wang Yibo. He turned around to see Xiao Zhan hiding a brass vase behind him. Did Zhan intend to hit him? 

Watching Wang Yibo's widened eyes, Xiao Zhan cleared throat. He awkwardly laughs. “Ah,haha..ha…I was alone at home, Lao ban. We have to be careful about intruders and thieves.” The brass vase was set aside by him as he explains. 

Just for fun, Yibo thought about the things that would have happened there if Xiao Zhan didn't recognise him and mistook him as a thief and it didn't look funny at all. He gulped.

“Lao ban? What happened? Why do you look pale?” Xiao Zhan confusedly looked at him. 

Wang Yibo was pulled out from his thoughts. “Ah, nothing!” He smiles. “Haven't you eaten?” 

“No. I was waiting for you.” There appeared a beautiful bunny smile on the younger's face. 

“Aiya! How many times have I told you to not wait for me? It's not healthy to eat late.” 

They walked out of the kitchen.

“What about you, Lao ban? You have been doing the same for years.” Xiao Zhan pouted. 

Yibo was amused to see that. Well, he wasn't wrong. What Xiao Zhan said was true. He has no right to advise Zhan. After a few moments of silence, Yibo decided to go to his room. “Just a minute. I will take a quick bath.” He said and Xiao Zhan nodded. 

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