Chapter I. The news

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Authors note:
1. When I write "kc" it means Kawaii-chan because I'm too lazy to write kawaii-chan everytime.
2. This story will be about 3-4 maybe even 5 chapters long. So, this won't be very long, (Chapter wise) I'll try to add as many things into the Chapters as possible.
3. Warning: swearing, LGBTQ (obviously) angst, and kissing😳

Melissa pov:
"Ugh." I sat up in my bed. Trying not to fall asleep as it was 9 am, and I was sleep deprived because of stress. Still, I decided to be productive.
Most of the day I was occupied, whether it was cleaning, cheering someone up, getting supplies, or helping mum and dad organise plans. Once I had enough I flopped on the couch. "Are you ok, Mel?" Aphmau asked, and I quickly got up not wanting to worry her. "I'm perfectly fine, what's up?" I asked, trying to act my normal self but, halfway through the day, I was already exhausted. I think she could tell, I'll take it as a win she didn't mention it. "Ok, then. I was just going over to talk to Lucinda, wanna join me?" She asked, putting her hand out for me to grab. Honestly, I just wanted to sleep, so I could forget about everything. Aaron's right, working to avoid things isn't healthy. "Sure!" I say, trying to sound excited, and grabbing her hand. She guides me to Lucinda. "Lucinda~ I brought someone." Aphmau bragged. "Oh? Who is it?" She asked, and already my heart started to race and my face felt hot. 'No, you're straight... Ok, you're not, but, you can't let them know.' I thought. "Mel." Aphmau said it so calm, even though she sounded so excited, did she notice me? "Melissa, good to see you not cooped up, or working too much." Lucinda smirked. "I do no such thing." I say, even though I was doing one of those today. "Ok, ladies?" Aphmau asked, sounded serious. "Yeah, Aph?" Lucinda responded. "I know we've been here for ages, but, we've never talked about that day." My heart skipped a beat, and I saw Lucinda look down to the ground. I wonder what's going on in her head.

Lucinda pov:
I can't give any of them eye contact, it hurts. There's a reason we haven't spoken of it. "L-luci?" Hearing Melissa's voice I looked up. She was in pain, I could tell. She was trying to hide it, she was doing a good job too. It seems that Aphmau had said something that hit us both like a train. "Y-yeah?" I stuttered. "D-do you remember it?" She asked, not making direct eye contact. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I remember, I don't want to talk about it." They both nodded and went silent. My heart was racing, I started to feel dizzy. Melissa put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile, which I returned.

Melissa pov:
'C'mon Melissa, you gotta do something." I thought. "Y'know? I remember I was walking and paying attention to everything, because I was fucking terrified. Anyways, there was a coaster with a bite out of it!" We all laugh, I cheered them up. It was a lie, the coaster thing, not me paying attention to everything. That's when kc runs in. "Ladies, I need to talk!" We all turn to her, shocked. "Kc, you look out of breath, is everything ok?" Lucinda asked, and kc shook her head. "No!" "No?" Aphmau asked, confused. "Has something happened?" I added on. "No!" She responded. "No?" Lucinda asked. "Yes!" Kc yelled. "Yes?" Aphmau asked, all three of us confused. "Ok, which is it?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around it. "Something hasn't happened," She started to explain. "but, I want something to happen. It isn't bad, but it isn't good." Aphmau and I sigh in unison, relived. "Then, what is it?" Lucinda asked, and kc sighs. "Ok, so, we were watching the Starlight tv stations and we saw this commercial for that casino that was under construction. They're going to have a grand opening with a ball, and everything! And I- I um... I wanted to see if maybe... Everyone wanted to go?" She said, the last part kinda nervous, even though before she sounded excited. "Go? You mean, as a group?" I asked. "Yeah... It's a stupid idea, I was just thinking that maybe everyone could use a bit of a- Y'know? A break, from worrying, from the stress of all this." Kc explained, Aphmau glanced to the floor and looks up at her. "Running?" She asked. "Yeah..." Kc started. "Isn't everyone tired of it?" She asked, we all went silent. "Kc, It's a nice thought, but, you know why we can't go out. It's far too dangerous." I explained, I felt bad, she just wants to help us. "I agree, as much as I would really want to this... Isn't a vacation." Aphmau added on. "It's a nightmare." Kc agreed. Aphmau hesitated, but spoke. "I-I mean, try to look on the bright side of it. We're all here, and no one is hurt." She reassured her, as she said it, I looked down at my shoulder. 'No one's hurt my ass.' I thought. "Yeah, so, I guess it was a stupid idea... Right?" Kc asked, it broke my heart. "I mean, there's no way we could go out." I step closer, wanting to comfort her, but, decided against it. "I'm afraid not, sweetheart." Was what I ended up deciding on, and she sighs. "Ok." She responds, and Aphmau starts to explain. "Moving as a group would be dangerous, and what if they're looking for us there?" Lucinda then chimes in. "Wait, I'll be right back!" She then runs off to who knows where.

Lucinda pov:
"Wait, I'll be right back!" I blurred out before running off., I left to the front door stopping in my tracks. "Zane!" I call out to him. "Watch the door for me!" I command. "What?" He asked, confused. "You're going back out? You almost got caught!" He yells at me, and i turn around. "Just do it, Zane!" I reiterate.

*Time skip to when I get to the store*
I step in, looking around. "C'mon, they have to be here somewhere." I muttered to myself. "Do you need something, ma'am?" I hear a male behind me, they were an employee, and wearing a non-binary badge. "Huh? Oh, no thank you, I'm fine." They nod before walking off. I look past them, what I needed was right there. "Ah-ha!" I exclaim walking up to them. "Masks." I grab one each of our signature colours, and walk up to the cashier. "I'd like to buy these." I say putting the masks on the counter. "Of course, how has your day been?" She asks, starting to scan them. "Good, you?" I ask "good." It was then followed then followed by an awkward silence. Once she finished I paid, then left.

*Time skip when I get back*
"Thank you, Zane." I said, stepping inside. "No problem, why did you need to go out?" He asks, following me back. "You'll see~" I teased. Once I got back to the room the girls were in, I put the masks on the table. "Ta-da~"

Melissa pov:
"Ta-da~" Luci brought masks, it was surprising. "You serious?" I asked, still a little confused. "It's a ball, isn't it?" She asked. "Y-yeah?" Kc confirmed. "Well, if we're smart about it, and keep an eye on our surroundings then it's possible with these masks we could hide." She explains. "What about what happened yesterday? Do you really wanna risk it again after that?" Aphmau asks, concerned. "I wasn't paying attention. This will be different. We'll wear the masks, and blend into the crowd." She explains. "Plus, we need this. She needs this." She gestures to kc, and Aphmau chuckles. "I'm in." I'm still worried, so I act stubborn. "Aphmau, there's no way we could stealth our way out of this!" I yelled. "Melissa, let's at least try on the masks and see what we can do. We can make this work. She explains. Lucinda turns around. "Look." She said turning back around. "Woah! Where did she go?" Aphmau asks sarcastically. "See?" Lucinda asks. "Ugh, they're good, but there's no way we could do this!" I reiterate, and Aphmau steps closer to me. "When was the last time we had a normal day?" She asked. "Not since the Guardian Forces posted our faces all over Starlight." I responded. "Look at her." She exclaims, turning around to kc, my eyes followed. "Oh." I whispered, trying hard to keep it together. Seeing her happy is good, but, the fear of her heart shattering when the idea is shut down completely hurts so much. "See?" Lucinda asks. "With this, we'll be fine." She explains. "It's the perfect way to hide, right in plain sight!" Kc said, excited, then her demeanor changes. "Is this- Is this stupid?" She asked, none of us knew how to respond, by the silence. "I think it's a great idea!" We hear Zianna call from outside the room. "Huh?" Aphmau, Lucinda, and I ask in unison. That's when she enters the room saying. "Oh, don't mind little old me. I was just eavesdropping on this conversation here." "You were?" Lucinda asks. We continue speaking before I finally sigh and say: "Fine... You've convinced me." I see kc's eyes light up straight after I had said that. "YES!" She yells. "But, you're going to have to convince the guys to go." I say. "I'm sure if we explain it to them, and show up with a plan they'll be more than willing to listen." Aphmau reassured us.

1633 words.

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