friends to lovers ~peter maximoff (tumblr)

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requested by: @Rainynightsky

You're minding your own business when your door flies open, and in comes a flurry of grey. As quickly as the door is opened, it's slammed shut. You know exactly who the culprit is, that part is particularly evident to you, but what puzzles you is the absence of a reason for his dramatic entrance. It's like he thinks you can read his mind or something....(you can, but that's besides the point). That's not really what you're supposed to be using your mutation for and Peter knows that.

"I really fucked up." He eventually breathes. But it leaves you with more questions than answers.

You tilt your head towards him, squinting your eyes as if to challenge a response from him. So? You ask.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Widening his eyes, he appears in a minor panic. "I come rushing in here, telling you that i fucked up, and your only response is: 'so?'"

"Peter, if i had i dollar for every time you told me you fucked up, I'd certainly be the richest telepath in this mansion, and Charles owns this damn place."

He cranes his neck in frustration, a sigh falling from his lips. "Well this time, i really fucking mean it."

He's fidgeting a lot more than usual, and when you glance at him, his eyes dart from yours. If you know anything about Peter, and you like to think you know almost everything about him, you know that based on the way he's acting, that he didn't just fuck something up for himself, he's also fucked something up for you.

Disappointed but not all surprised, you ask, "What did you do? And how does it involve me?"


Peter Maximoff has always had a way with words. No matter what he says...nor how fast he says he is, he can always manage to get you to do whatever he wants. Sure, to the average person Peter may be incessantly annoying, but to you, he is overly charming. He's always just been so.....perfect....for a lack of a better term.

And it's not like you haven't tried to bury those feelings. You really really have. But every time you're near each other, your heart beats a little faster and your eyes just fixate on him. He draws you in with his infectiously upbeat, care free - who gives a shit it's the end of the world, let's just have fun - kinda vibes. It's intoxicating as fuck.....and so, extremely bad for you. But it's what you need. You actually need him.

So unfortunately (maybe really depends on the day), Peter Maximoff has you whipped like the fucking whiplash he's always warning you about...and whether he knows that or not is the real question. You hope to God he doesn't; you've tried so damn hard to hide it. It....Them.....Your feelings..... And this is the trickiest part. You're not sure when you came to this realization, but: You're in love with your best friend......

And honestly....shit...what the fuck feelings??? That is not a good revelation to be having. That's never a good revelation to be having. And that's for many fucking reasons, including but not limited to:

He's your best friend
He's your best friend
He's your best friend
Did you mention he's your best friend? Did you?

To top it all off, your anxiety about what is justifiably a crapshoot of a situation (being in love  with your best friend is no cake walk friends....don't try this at home) has risen ten-fucking-fold. Because you'd do anything for him.

And that's how you've gotten yourself into the inescapable shit storm you have now: fake dating Peter Maximoff....

Look, in all respects, it could be worse. You're not really sure how, but that's just what are you telling yourself to make this whole thing a feel a little better. Damn you and being a good friend....You should've just said no. But how could you have possibly said it without giving yourself away?

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