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"Whew, that was so close." Nier sighed as he hopped branch to branch on the weak, dried trees of the Dead Forest.

'That Master of theirs is something else. He's only done one attack, and I can already tell he's on a different level. If he was the lump in when the fight started, I would've lost with little to chance of escaping. Where did they find someone like him on such short notice? And, also, why is he so hot?!"

Nier shook his head, 'No, now's not the time to be thinking about this. For now, I have to report back to Christen and the others.'

Nier continued to travel further away from the recent battlefield, heading back to where he had came from.


"Whaaa—oof!" Solace yelled as he landed on the ground. The gravity that kept him in the air from The Master's ice attack had wore off abruptly, and he fell to the ground on his back.

Jason landed on his two feet, showing signs of working with the lack of gravity before. Jason walked over to Solace, holding out his hand for the flag boy to take.

"You good?"

"Yeah!" Solace replied as he took the hand that was offered to him. With unsurprising ease, Jason lifted the boy up from the ground.

"I'm sorry for the abrupt landing, Solace. I'm so used to the others being able to land when it's deactivated. I apologize." The Master bowed.

"Ah—No, it's fine!" Solace rubbed the back of his neck nervously. His eyes then widened, "Ay, how the hell did you do that anyways?" He said as he pointed his finger at The Master.

The Master tilted his head, "What? Magic? Are you not an ability wielder as well?"

"What—I am, but—"

"And those who're very talented fighters evolve to develop passive skills that further increase their ability's utility. You have one yourself, don't you?" The Master's face remained stoic as he tilted his head.

"Well, yes, but everyone has one ability in this world! You just used gravity manipulation and ice manipulation, which—FYI—is two different things!" Solace said in a loud tone of voice. It was a bit rude, but it was just Solace's bewilderment and confusion acting out on its own.

"Hey, don't you dare question Master like that! You should be glad that he saved your life!" Rin nagged as he flew over to The Master.

"You're right! I'm forever in your debt, but that still doesn't answer my question!" He said in the same loud, bewildered and confused tone.

The Master tilted his head again, "You wish to know my magic ability?

"Yes, please!" He said in the same tone.

"It's very simple actually, but maybe we should get a move on. I will inform you as you lead us to your village."

"Ah, right! This way!" Solace continued walking down the path again, the others following him.

"So, I have the ability to manipulate concepts." The Master answered immediately.

"What?—" Solace squinted his eyes, trying to see if he hear The Master correctly.

"I can manipulate concepts: Fire and Ice, Good or Evil, Strength and Weakness. I have control over every concept there is..."

"And, uh...how...exactly does that work?"

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