Chapter 7

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(This is what Y/N was wearing)

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(This is what Y/N was wearing)


"Why should I be intimidated by this girl?" I said to myself, trying to regain my confidence. I took a deep breath and I entered the room disturbing the two lovebirds kissing.

As I walked through the room the mood started to shift. I saw Nick staring at me, making it not very obvious and this Mandy girl giving me angry and disgusted looks.

"Oh, sorry." I said. "I didn't want to disturb anything." I said laughing it off.
"No, it's fine. Mandy was just about to leave.." Nick said and then Mandy started at him really pissed.
"Um, Y/N, this is Mandy, my girlfriend and Mandy, this is Y/N, our new songwriter" Nick said and introduced me. I shook hands with her and tried to fake a smile, but I literally can't stand this bitch.

"Nick, can I talk to you in private, AGAIN?" she said rising her voice.
"Mandy, we talked before we really have to work, I'm sorry."
"Whatever." she said rolling her eyes and leaving.

Finally, we could work on some songs.

"Sorry about that, this isn't her best day."
"I can tell" I said laughing a bit and I could see him laugh too, yet he switched up pretty fast.
"You look good, by the way." he said and smiled at me.
"Thanks, you too" I said and smiled back.

The other boys came in and I got to meet them. They were all very nice and we got along well. I showed them my songs and they liked them, I was very glad to hear that. They started recording the vocals and the producer, Max Martin created the melody and it sounded amazing.

The song I wrote is called "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" that I wrote when I felt so sad about what my father did and so isolated from the rest of the world. Even though, I had friends, I never felt like I belonged. Here, I felt very safe. The boys were so nice to me and people in general, they are more welcoming.

I wish I wouldn't have to go back..

Present Day

John's POV

"What is taking you so long?" my sister asks me.
"I'm trying my best, alright?"
"Can't you just rebuilt the time machine, exactly like you did before?"
"Yes, but I need to connect it to the one I made prior, to find out what year she travelled to"
"That's nearly impossible"
"We atleast have to try.."

"Look, honey, we'll find her, it's okay-"
"No, it's not okay! It's our fault she ran away and now we can't bring her back, no one knows where she is! God, if I could travel back in time to change it"

"That's what she did, instead of you" I said.
"Shut up, John"
"Whatever, how long will it take?"
"I don't know, days, weeks, months, years..."


"Ok, the song turned out great. We are definitely putting it on the album thanks to Y/N", Max said and everyone clapped for me.
"Aww, thank you guys, but you did all the work with the vocals. I could never sing"
"Don't underestimate yourself. You helped us very much and you deserve your payment" Nick said.
"Really? Wow, thank you so much" I said and I hugged Nick and he hugged me back. Everyone was staring at us now, so I went and hugged everyone.

Scott came in and handed me out my first payment 10,000 dollars. Wow, this is big money and I made them myself.

"Thank you, thank you, I really couldn't thank you enough." I said.
"We should celebrate, then" AJ said.
"Yeah, sure. It's on me, just wait till I grab my purse."
"Yep, sure, no rush." Brian said.

"Nick, I gotta pay you know, alright?"
"Y/N, you don't need to, c'mon, I'm your friend-"
"Here's the money you gave me, please take them."
"Y/N, c'mon-"
"Nick! Take them! Now!"
"Whoa, alright" he said and then we both laughed.
"Ok, I'll cya in a bit"

Nick's POV

I really didn't want for her to pay me back, I mean, I helped her and I'm glad that I could. Yet, she is so ambitious, she always has to be the one taking the lead.

"Good job, man" AJ told me.
"For what?"
"For breaking up with that Mandy girl and finding a better girl"
"I didn't break up with Mandy and Y/N is not my girlfriend. Why is everyone saying that?"

"Because, maybe, you like her?" Howie said.
"No, I don't, Mandy is my girlfriend, you need to stop this."
"Yeah, sure. I like her better, just so you know." AJ said.
"If you like her so much, why don't you go out with her?" I said angrily.
"Maybe I will, will that make you jealous?"
"No..." I said hesitant.
"Alright, then, I'll take Y/N out tomorrow"
"Fine, I'll tell her now"

"Wait!" I said.
AJ looked at me confused.
"You guys are right, I kinda like her.."


As I went in to grab my purse, I saw this Mandy girl and she was talking on the phone. I didn't wanna peak or anything, but I did.. Ok, I actually did it on purpose, BUT she seemed very off from the start, so I have a good reason.

"Yeah, whatever, Nick is hanging out with this new ugly girl she saved from the street."

Ugh, she was talking about me. I'll show her, who this ugly girl from the street is.

"I know right, like she isn't even famous or anything just this random girl. Anyways, I can't wait for him to make me famous, so I could break up with him and be with you, babe"

Oh, I knew it, she is cheating and using him for fame! I can't believe, she is doing this to Nick. She doesn't deserve him.. I need to tell him after dinner!

As I was leaving the building in my way to the boys, I heard an irritating voice stopping me:

"Where do you think you're going, bitch?"

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