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What is Muharram?
Muharram is the first month of the islamic year.

What happened in Muharram?
Imaam Hussain (as) was brutally martyred along with his companions and family members including his six month old son after three days of no food and water in a desert.

Who was Hussain?
Hussain (as) was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Who martyred him?
Yazid, and unjust individual, who claimed to be the Caliph of Muslims, martyred Hussain, his companions and family members.

Why was Hussain Martyred?
Yazid tried to bring unlawful changes in Islam and also harm humanity at large. Hussain (as) , being the grandson of the Prophet stood against him and his unjust ways.


Who is Hussain?
13 centuries ago one man made the ultimate stand. He gave his life for dignity, equality and justice. He changed the course of history and inspired generations.

Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Was a man who made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice with an army of just 72 against 30,000. On the 10th of Muharram, Hussain was martyred after 3 days of thirst and scorching heat in Karabal, Iraq.

His name lives on today and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.



Imam Hussain (as) , was the grandson of the final prophet Muhammad (saw). Years after the prophet death, Yazid ibn Muawyah reigned terror as he unjustly took command and manipulated the minds of the people. He shifted the moral values of the nation without remorse. Indecency, injustice and immorality plagued the rights of the society.

Imam Hussain refused to extend his hand in allegiance to such a treacherous serpent. He chose to take a stand against the corruption of Yazid and thus the enduring story of Karbala began. A bloody battle ensued between Imam Hussain's army of 72 and Yazid's army of 30,000. Although Imam Hussain, along with his kin and companions were mercilessly tortured and killed, they emerged as the true victors.

Imam Hussain stood for truth and refused falsehood under the tyrannical empire of Yazid. He refused to remain silent or stand idly by as his nation fell into turmoil. His dauntless heroism is admirable in such a dire and delicate situation.

It was through his selfless sacrifice he demonstrated to take a stand against evil and resist oppression of any sort, even on the brink of death, Imam Hussain is the true manifestation of devotion and valor beyond compare.


The first month of the islamic calendar;
The month which contains in itself the day of
The day on which the biggest calamity struck
The one who gave all he had for the sake of


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