Chapter 10 - The Witch

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You can't bring back the past, even if you travel back in time. Everything that happens, happens only once, and you cannot redo it.

Zoey: "(whispering) Psshh... Kev...! Kevin!!! Wake up, you idiot!"

Kevin: "(panting) Zoey... Is that you?"

Zoey: "Yes, keep your voice down!"

Kevin: "Okay! (whispering) But where are we? And... (trying to move hands and legs) wait... my hands are tied to yours? And my legs too?"

Zoey: "I don't know... The last thing I remember is Jane acting weird, and then everything went black."

Kevin: "Yeah, I remember that! But what are we doing in this old shack? No windows, and I'm freaking out here."

Zoey: "Seriously? You're worried about the shack? What about Chris and Martin? I want to hurt Jane so bad right now."

Kevin: "Why are you always looking for a fight?"

Zoey: "Not everything can be talked out. Sometimes, fighting is just easier."

Kevin: "Alright, tough girl. How about we figure out how to get out of here?"

Zoey: "We're chained to each other and to this pole. How do you expect me to figure that out?"

Kevin: "Ugh! Why can't they be like movie villains and just use a rope I can cut through?"

Zoey: "I don't get how she turned on us so fast."

Kevin: "No clue... Bad luck just loves me. One mess after another, I'm used to it by now."

Zoey: "Yeah, well, I've been through worse too. The real kicker is that Jane did this."

Kevin: "Maybe she was manipulated or pressured into it."

Zoey: "Oh, please... Whoever's behind this, if it's not her, (fake cough) is getting a serious punch from me, no matter what!"

[As they were talking, the door in front of them slowly creaks open]

Chris: "Guys... guys... guys... Are you okay?"

Zoey: "Totally, just having a blast being chained up like some caged animal."

Kevin: "Where were you guys?"

Martin: "We were in that room (pointing at the door) and when we woke up, we heard your voices and came over."

Zoey: "Wait... So you weren't chained up like us?"

Chris: "Nope... We were just unconscious on the floor."

Zoey: "This motherfuckin' Jane..."

Kevin: "Stop being angry. How are we going to get out of here?"

Martin: "Maybe with this conveniently placed key on the wall."

Zoey: "Convenient... This feels like a big prank now."

Kevin: "Classic movie stuff... Escapes are always too easy."

[Martin unlocks the chains and they head towards a seemingly exit door.]

Chris: "If we're going by what you're saying... Let me open this door and we'll see how convenient it really is."

[Chris pushes the door open, revealing stairs descending into darkness. They cautiously approach, peering through gaps in the boarded-up window where they glimpse tall trees outside. Suddenly, eerie music drifts up from below—a haunting melody from a music box.]

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