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           I felt a little guilty for driving my friends into this. It didn't seem fair on them. But they'd insisted. If they weren't helping me then they wouldn't let me do this. We'd spent the night at Christian's.
            Kylie and I had to go home to do Sunday stuff. We agreed to meet at Starbucks at 2pm.
        My aunt and I had just gotten back from church. Believe it or not I had actually paid attention. But instead about learning how to kill dead people I learnt to be 'generous' I think it was about something moses did......or was it Joshua? Ok so maybe I wasn't really paying that much attention after all. Can you blame me.

       We were heading home when my aunt realized something was wrong.
''Hey sweetie you okay?'' She said with worry. I didn't want her to worry. That's why I didn't tell her about any of this. She worries about me enough.

''It's okay I'm fine.'' I said and gave her the best smile I could muster.
She didn't seem completely convinced but she dropped the topic. I focused on driving. The rest of the day went as normal and she didn't bring up the topic again till lunch.

''Noah....listen I know you're hiding something.'' She started.
I instantly turned away from the television to her.

''What are you talking about'' I tried to say innocently.

''You know what I'm talking about. For the past week you've been soo....distant.'' she said. Her eyed were almost in tears.

Noah felt the guilt he'd been trying to push down wash over him. He didn't want to hurt her. She'd taken care of him for 5 years now. Basically raising him when no one else in their extended family would have. Truther be told if not for her God knows how many foster homes he would have been in.
She was basically his mother.
He wanted to pour out all his thoughts. Everything about Robert. But Robert had nothing against her. No reason to kill her. But if she knew about him being alive he'd have a damn good reason to want her dead.

And so because of this he settled on the only lie he could muster.

''I guess it's just school. The pressure. I mean this is my last year and as fun as it should's really stressful.'' He said. Sneaking a glance at his aunts face to see if she bought the lie. She did.

''Well then. Okay. Just dont over work yourself. And if you need any help. Any at all. Just come to me. I_I know I'm not Mary......I'm not your real mum but I.....''  she trailed off.

Noah got up walked to her and hugged her tight.
''You are.'re my mum and love you soo much okay'' he said. She nodded. Once.
''I need to go meet Christian and Kylie. I'll be back by dinner.'' Noah said as he grabbed his jacket and his car keys. He checked the time. 2:06. He was late. He kissed her forehead and opened the door.

''Say hi to Christian and Kylie for me.'' She yelled.

''Okay mum'' he said. He paused for half a second to see her expression. She was frozen and smiling almost in tears.

Once upon a time he felt he was betraying his mum by calling her that. Now when he thought of the word mum it was only his aunts face that came to mind.

He drove to Starbucks Kylie and Christian were already there.

''Sorry I'm late.'' He said as he sat beside Kylie. Christian sat opposite them.

''So what's the plan.'' Kylie started.

''There isn't much to work with. First I think we need to find where Robert is staying. And I want to know how the fuck he's still alive.'' I said.

''Maybe.'' Christian started.'' Maybe he never died?''

''Oh come on Christian. You saw his body. You were there with me.''

Christian shifted uncomfortably. It was a topic we didn't really talk about. But he had been there. When Robert burned to death.

''Plus he did admit it himself that he died. He told me he was glad to be back.''

''On your date?'' He asked.

''No before that at the mall.'' I replied.

''Wow wait you saw him at the mall?!'' Kylie asked.

''Yeah when u went to get your birthday gift.'' I said

''Just drop it.'' Christian said. He turned to me. ''Noah what exactly did he tell you?''

''He said he'd died and that something brought him back. Then he said he was gonna toy with me a little before finishing what he started. Which means killing me.'' I said.

''So he never wanted you to die in that fire.'' Christian stated.

''What?'' Kylie and I said in unison.

''I mean its obvious. He was toying with you. Scaring you. He knew you'd get out.'' Christian stated.

''Then why burn the whole fucking building?'' Kylie grumbled.

''Well technically he only burnt part of the building. It was put out before it spread. Plus the man's, unhinged full on fucking crazy.'' Christian replied.

We talked like that for a while before I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I had barely made it there before Kylie appeared.

''What? You aren't the only one allowed to use the bathroom.'' She said.

I nodded at her with a smile and went to do my business. I was done before her but I decided to wait. That isn't creepy.

God know what it is girls do in the bathroom cus she was there for a full 10 minutes.

She opened the door and froze when she saw me. She cleared her throat as she stepped out and closed the door.



''Listen I....'' my phone interrupt me. It was a text. From Christian. ''It's Christian.'' I said. The romantic feeling disappeared as Kylie's face became serious and she walked up to me.

We read the text together. He wrote it in a rush obviously. Hardly finishing it before we rushed back to our table.

He's here. Get your asses here now!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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