A Week Later...
"Hello and welcome to my class of 2012!" My new home room teacher beamed
We were all still piling into the room and were able to sit wherever we wanted.
We were given our timetables and had to play games to get to know one another... We are way too old for this.
I headed to Health, looking for H3...
When I finally found it, I found myself late, shit.I went to the teacher, the oddly scattered groups clearly meaning there was a seating plan.
I found my seat near the back and died at that sight of the wanker who got my car taken off me
"Ugh, you" I groaned
"I'm just as displeased to see you too" he said annoyed
I sat down quietly, glowering at the asshole for at least ten minutes.
Another introductory activity was done and when it was Michael's turn, I was interested to know if he knew he was a bastard or now
"I'm Michael" he began picking at his nails "and I like... Uh... I guess books are cool"
I stifled a laugh and he secretly gave me the finger
"But, I like music" he shrugged "I like, I play the Guitar. And I like my car, uhm-"
"What's your favourite band?" The teacher who's name I still had yet to learn asked
"I got lots" Michael said carelessly "Bring Me The Horizon is a big one. Uhm, Five Finger Death Punch, SlipKnot, I don't really mind Asking Alexandria, though Korn's pretty good"
This kid is a freak.
"And books?"
"I like Cut" Michael said slowly "I can't remember who it's by though,
Patricia Somethin' rather""That's helpful" I rolled my eyes
"You don't know her"
"Her name is Patricia McCormick" I answered
"You know her?"
"It's a good book" I shrugged
"Whatever" Michael began ignoring me again "in my spare time I like to go to concerts, as much as I can really. Uhm, I like to spray paint, tattoos I like... Obviously. But that's about it"
"And any family?"
He shook his head
"Favorite movie?"
He shook his head again
"Anything?""Lukes's turn" he growled at her
"Right, of course"
"I'm Luke Hemmings" I introduced myself "I'm 18, as you can probably hear from my accent I'm not British. I'm from Australia. I moved here when I was 7 because me mum and I had some issues with money. She got a job that brought her here and we just stay here now because we've got money again"
Michael scoffed
"I used to have a car, before Michael crashed into it and I got my liscence taken off me by my parents. I like music too, The Fray, Michael Buble, The Doors, sometimes Nirvana, I'm not really that picky, I'm pretty open minded with music. I can play the guitar, and a little bit of piano. I like to sing, I want to be a singer when I'm older. Uhm, my favourite book is probably Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, though I hated the movies. I live with me mum only. Me brother's in Australia and me parents got divorced when I was 3"
"Anything more?" She looked desperate for me to keep talking
"My favourite movie is Eat Pray Love" I shrugged
"I don't like Martmite or Vegemite but I love food. "
I heard a few giggles across the class and blushed a little
"I... I'm openly bisexual" I said quietly but then resume my normal volume. "I'm a friendly guy, my friends always tell me that people love me because I'm so approachable. I'm apparently good at giving advice and my hugs have been said to be like sunshine... Or something"
More giggle
"I love Justin Bieber though" I said "Mancrush, really bad. I will literally go crazy. My favourite colour is Blue. I have a dog, he's a Rottweiler and I called him Tank because he's pretty big for his breed. I'm not really sure what else to say"
"Status?" She asked "your favourite thing about yourself? Do you know where you want to study?"
"If by status you mean relationship then I'm single. I don't really know what I like most about myself though... I guess my teeth? I don't actually know where I want to study though I might try for Yale which is in America"
"Favourite subject?"
"Uh... I like them all really"
"And what about your favourite food"
"Jesus Christ..." I whispered, burying my fingers into my hair "I can't answer that one"
The bell rang for the next lesson, though the entire day was filled with introductions to your classes. I have Michael in 6 of my 7 subjects and he sits beside me in 5.
What a fucking sucky year of school this is going to be.

Persuasive// Muke fanfiction
FanfictionThere is no cliché for Luke and Michael meeting in a small collision, Luke begins to Learn that Michael is tougher than he thought. Michael likes to hide weakness, he isn't interested in "making friends". But when a friendly blonde haired boy meets...