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Nyx's pov

Adonis and I were once again at the library downtown.

I sat beside him as he typed up another article.

"What's this one gonna be about?" I asked as I spun on the swivel chair.

"I'm just writing about all the crimes, and we'll add a little spice." he smirked.


He uploaded the clips from Ginny's tape onto the article.

I widened my eyes. "Good thinking Maximillian."

I dragged the chair directly next to him and plopped down as I reviewed the article.

I nodded. "This'll definitely draw some attention." I published it.

"Yeah, when someone finally reads it." he huffed as he leaned back in the chair, arms crossed with a slight frown on his face."

I pursed my lips.

He's right though.

It feels as if were working, but not getting much work done, like we're walking in circles.

"..and we're nowhere close to solving Ginny's murder, if we're even still doing that."

Now it was my turn to frown as I listened to his words.

"You're right. " I sighed. "It's just after seeing all this and the tapes..I've gotten distracted." I chewed on my nails; my brows furrowed in thought. "But, I feel like, I don't know how to continue with Ginny's death."

"I mean there's no more clues and I don't know where to search."

He rose an eyebrow and turned to me. "What if we bait some?" 


"We bait the clues. We use what we have to catch a bigger fish."

My eyes widened as I caught on to what he was saying. "Oh my gosh you're right.."

"Oh my gosh." I grinned. "That's totally it!" I pat his back gleefully.

"Ow, ow Sinclair!"

"Oh, my bad. It's getting late though, we should head back before they notice..."

He nodded and got up. "My driver is waiting out front." he said as he checked his phone. "Let's go."


I entered the class and headed to my seat. I was early, as usual and began unpacking.

Adonis followed shortly after and also headed to his seat.

I spun around in my seat and turned to him. "Goodmorning."

He rose an eyebrow as he sat down. "You're awfully cheery this morning." he let a small smile crack, the corner of his lips twitching slightly.

I hummed. "I have a good feeling about today."

"And here I was thinking you were happy about seeing me."

I let out a half-scoff half-laugh. "That's something I'd cry about."


Our 'moment' was interrupted by my absolute favorite person entering the class.

Note the sarcasm.

"What's this? Have you set eyes on a new target?"

There goes my good morning.

I rolled my eyes and faced front as Veronica and her pets entered the room.

She snapped her fingers, and her minions immediately found their seats.

I let out a scoff at the sight.

"Is there a problem?" she snarked as she took her seat next to Adonis.

I don't respond and get ready for class.


"What should our 'bait 'be?"

I asked as I walked alongside Adonis in the hallway, earning a few weird glances at the sight.

He simply shrugged as he kept walking, his posture straight and his head held high.

I let my eyes roll.

"It has the be something that will shake her killer and make them act out."

He nodded at my words. "Do you have anything like that?"

A sigh sounded from my mouth as solemnly shook my head no. "The only things I have are the tapes and the diary."

"What if we search through her stuff? There must be something."

"Her mom took all her stuff. You forgot?"

"Oh.." he let out a breath, one that sounded too much like a scoff.

"Wait, that's it!"

"What?..What is it?" he looked at me confused.

"Adonis I've got it."

"What have you got Nyx? I can't read your mind you know.."

"We could go through her stuff."

He rose an eyebrow. "Didn't you just say.."

I nodded.

It took him a while to realize but he eventually did.


"I say we pay her mom a visit."


finally got this chapter done :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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