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Nyx's pov

"Oh Nyx, you're here." mom grinned as she walked over to me, enveloping me into warm hug.

I reciprocated the hug, albeit confused as I stared at Adonis.

"How could you lie to your friend like that Nyx," she scolded as she lightly smacked my arm, "the poor boy was worried."

I got even more confused, turning my attention back to Adonis who seemed to be avoiding my gaze.

My eyes then fell the plastic bags sat on the table where he sat, the logo of the local pharmaceutical plastered on it.

Adonis's pov

My eyes went wide as I stared at the screen, I glanced down at Nyx to see her invested as to what's on the screen.

"My son...the best...money...deal...Professor...eliminate obstacles..."

That voice, engraved into my mind could not have been missed. 

It was my father.

 "She..she's been going against the school, Do you..do you think that's the reason for her death."

"Well shit."

I tried my best to act impassive, shoving my hands into my pockets to hide the shake in them.

"Hey, Sinclair, maybe...maybe we shouldn't do this." I hesitated, a slight tremor in my voice as I spoke.

If my father was involved then it's more serious than I thought.

Don't get me wrong, the person I'm trying to protect isn't my father, I could care less about him.

The person I'm trying to protect is Nyx.

 "Okay we'll..we'll stop."

Her words sent a rush of relief through my body, my shoulders became less tense and I could finally breathe properly.


I entered my house which seemed cold, like an igloo on an extra snowy day compared to Nyx's warm and lively home.

No one came to greet me with a warm hug like her mom did, instead I was met with silence, the maids didn't dare to look at me much as to speak to me.

With a sigh, I turned and trudged to my room.

"Oh, you're here."

I rolled my eyes as I heard the all too familiar voice of my stepmother.

I turned around to see her looking at me with disdain, a sneer on her face as she swirled her glass of wine. "Why are you now coming home?"

"As if you're concerned." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, muttering under her breath, "Stupid brat."

I huffed a breath and entered my room, laying on my bed and pulling the covers over my head as I simply laid there.

The next few weeks felt even emptier.

Being with Nyx after school took my mind away from things, she served as a distraction to my problems.

We see each other around but barely talk to each other, sure we've had a few friendly banters and small talk, but it isn't the same.

 "Dude you're drooling." Sebastian laughed as he sat behind me on the bench, placing a hand around my shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him away lightly. "You're sweaty." I grumbled and looked away.

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