Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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Sam and Dean come back to the bunker supporting the limp bodies of Lucifer and Chuck. You'd been going mad, drumming your fingernails on the table waiting and hoping that everyone would come back from the big showdown with Amara. Your impatience and growing anxiety eventually built up into bitterness and frustration at yourself for letting Sam convince you that it was better if you stayed here.

Just wait until you told Sam that Amara had actually come looking for Chuck here. You'd only just managed to get into the warded dungeon in time before Amara sensed your presence and by that time Rowena had sucked her in.

Sam's arm is awkwardly wrapped around Chuck's waist with the unconscious man-Lord's-arm tossed over his shoulders. His feet are dragging across the floor. He looks dead. You jump to your feet to come to Sam's and Chuck's aid. Your height being closer to Chuck's, it's easier for you to take Chuck from Sam so that Sam can help Dean with Lucifer-Castiel? No you need to remember that Castiel's vessel is now Lucifer's. Or is it? Lucifer's weight is being fully supported by Dean too. Is Lucifer dead too? What does that mean for Castiel?

"What the hell happened?" you ask, using your free hand to cup Chuck's cheek and lift his face to look at him. You think you might hear a slight moan. "Is Amara gone? Is she back in the cage?"

Sam and Dean exchange looks like they're debating on what to tell you. What the hell is that about? This is no time to keep secrets! "Tell me!" You ease Chuck's weak form into a chair. Sam and Dean do the same with Lucifer.

Dean kneels next to Lucifer, the way he's being attentive tells you that Dean is inspecting Castiel's vessel instead.

"Amara is still alive, not caged," Sam says with a sigh.

"And uh...God is..he's uhhe's dying." Your shoulders slump with helplessness.

You glance at Dean and Lucifer. "I think she...she killed Lucifer too." That news is a little ambiguous. No one wanted Lucifer around after Amara was gone but what does killing Lucifer do to Castiel and his vessel?

"So what do we do now? Is there anything we can do to heal Chuck? Maybe the angels can help!" you suggest.

"It's worth looking into," Dean grumbles. "We need to figure out how to kill Amara or convince Chuck to do it when he's restored," Dean gets to his feet and shoots Sam an angry glare. "Because putting Amara back in the cage is not an option anymore." Sam rolls his eyes, sighs and gives Dean a bitchface.

"Dean, come on...we talked about this..."

"About what?" you ask, completely baffled.

"But did you tell her?" Dean gestures to you. You're looking back and forth between Sam and Dean.

"Tell me what?"

"Dean," Sam tries to stop him.

"That Sam made a deal with Chuck. To put Amara back in the cage...Sam was gonna take on the Mark of Cain."

Your heart sinks. It drops to the bottom of your stomach and is crushed by a ton of bricks. Your lips part, a quiet gasp escaping as you chin starts to tremble, with fear, sadness, anger...you're not sure.

Because a fire rises up in your cheeks and you can feel yourself turning red as your eyes burn hot with tears.

How could Sam make that decision and not tell anyone? How could he not tell Dean? How could he not tell you??

Sam recognizes the hurt in your eyes. He takes a step towards you, extending his arms like he's going to take a hold of your arms.

"Mykie, I can explain. Dean understands it now too."

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