Chapter 1: On the hunt

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"Remember, Cassandra. We are the ones who control this city, responsible for its success and prosperity. By exercising our God given right to settle the land and remove those barbaric redskins, we have created a society that would impress even the Romans. It is our duty to ensure its ongoing success."

Cassandra's eyes fluttered open, and memories of her father's words flooded her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that everything was wrong. Her family's wealth, built on a foundation of corruption and exploitation, weighed heavily on her conscience. As she struggled to reconcile her emotions, she wondered if she was truly fighting for what was right. Despite her love for her parents and the privileged life she'd always known, Cassandra couldn't help but question the cost of her comfort. How many people had suffered, or were suffering, so that she could live the life she had?

''Please, please don't do this!''

As the man's desperate words hung in the air, Cassandra's grip on the revolver faltered, and she was suddenly jolted back to reality. The weight of her finger hovering over the trigger was a stark reminder of the power she held over this stranger's life. Her mind began to wrestle with questions: what crime had this man committed, and what was his only "mistake" other than being Native American? As her thoughts swirled in turmoil, Cassandra's hand began to tremble, her hesitation growing as she grappled with the moral implications of her actions.

''Leave. Get out of here now. ''

Cassandra finally made up her mind, lowering her gun. She couldn't bring herself to do it, not again. She stood and watched as the man disappeared into the forest, running back to whatever tribe he was from. With that, did she get on her horse and rode back to Saint Denis, the town she grew up in, the jewel of Lemoyne. There were things she had to figure out, questions she needed answers to.

As Cassandra stepped into her home, she was greeted by the familiar face of Madeline Sterling, a dear friend of her mother's since childhood. The two women had been inseparable since their youth, and Madeline's recent loss of her husband to the Spanish flu had only strengthened their bond. Over tea, Madeline shared a tantalizing tale with Cassandra - a bounty poster she had discovered that morning, offering a reward for the capture of a young Spanish girl, Esmerelda Garcia. According to the poster, Esmerelda was wanted for murdering numerous prominent Spanish figures, and was to be taken alive and returned to Spain to face justice. Madeline, known for her love of gossip and information gathering, had shared the news with Cassandra out of habit. However, what Madeline didn't know was that Cassandra herself was one of the bounty hunters seeking Esmerelda, and that their conversation had inadvertently led to the revelation of her next target. But this time, Cassandra felt a pang of conscience. She couldn't help but wonder if Esmerelda was truly a criminal, or merely a victim of circumstance, like the Native American she had encountered earlier who was accused of stealing gold. As she pondered the morality of her actions, Cassandra felt an overwhelming urge to learn more about Esmerelda's story and understand the truth behind her alleged crimes.

Under the cover of darkness, Cassandra slipped out of her home, driven by a sense of urgency to track down Esmerelda Garcia before other bounty hunters could claim her. She knew that those others would show no mercy to this young woman, and her conscience was beginning to trouble her. With her skills honed from years of tracking, Cassandra set out into the northern forest, pushing past the small town of Valentine and deeper into the woods. After a prolonged search, she finally stumbled upon an abandoned hut, where she suspected she might find her quarry. And indeed, she soon discovered Esmerelda Garcia, hiding in the shadows, her fate hanging precariously in the balance.

"Esmerelda Garcia?" Cassandra asked softly, her tone almost gentle, as she entered the young woman's hut.

The woman, Esmerelda, stood up from her resting spot, her eyes wary with caution. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice laced with annoyance. "Why are you here?"

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