Thug Nerd Love 38

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Chapter 38


   Yes, I am alive and well. I'm actually here, my sister and I, with Khalil, Trey, Khaliana, Drew, Shaun, Michael, Jason, Joey and a very pregnant Martina. She looked as if she could burst any minute. There was no way, she was having one child. There is also an Imanie. Michael's, finally, girlfriend, but I don't like her. Not that I am jealous cuz' I have no feelings of the sort for Michael, I just don't like her.

I chuckled as Trey provoked Khaliana. They are all like family honestly. I haven't reached such levels but they have been welcoming. I watched as Khaliana punched Trey and he started pinching her while we all watched amused. It's been two months since Khaliana and Khalil's mom died and two months where a lot happened.

I found Khalil and having reported his girlfriend, we got close, vowing to be single for the rest of our messed up lives.

     On a next note, Khaliana mother's funeral was touching and a blessing. It was a big turn out, you could feel the love everyone had for Khalea Pierce. I was sitting right between Khalil and Khaliana.

Khalil didn't take it well, he was there shedding tears like crazy. I had to comfort him. When he went up to sing his mother's favorite song that they used to sing together, he looked down at his mother's dead body and froze. He started and you could hear the hurt in his voice. He stopped in the middle where he broke down, shaking his head down at his mother as if he couldn't believe and wanted her to rise at that moment. He continued, after a while, blessing and touching the whole church.

Khalee, she was supposed to read a scripture but because of her loud sobs, she had to be taken out of the church. Admittedly, she was crazy. She went up, held on to the casket,screaming and yelling for her mom to wake up. Mr. Pierce, he had to go up and read it, he never broke down but you could see in his eyes, he could kill someone.

Shaun and the others gave a tribute through song, 'It's so Hard to Say Goodbye'. They did it justice, making me cry. 'I Look to You by Whitney Houston',  Khaliana killed. She was hitting em' notes and getting it in. Their mother was a music person and they did give her the musical she wanted and deserved.

Khaliana was dying, literally. At first, she kept it together for the most part but when she went up to give the eulogy, she completely broke down. Trey had to rush up there and hold her as she talked through the tears.

At the graveside...

    That was a wicked sight. I don't even wanna get started. The pastor couldn't continue as he had to give them time. Khalee wanted to jump into the casket, frankly. Mike had to hold her and her children were crying, because they have never saw their mom like that before. I came to understand this was the second funeral in a span of 2 months she had been to and both are close people.

Khalil sat on the ground, with the boys, except Trey, around him, while he cried. I would have been there with him but I had the kids. Khaliana was down on the ground, held by Trey who had to hold her even through his own tears. Martina and Alecia, who were also crying, fanned her as she cried. Drew was there for her also.

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