Running (Swinging) Errands

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Anyone for You (Tiger Lily) — George Ezra

Unlike Lila, whose plans resided near the other end of the 7-train, Peter's errands were far more local to his neighborhood. So when he walked out the doors of school, hardly thinking about the fact that he was now officially a senior, he simply got on the F-train and went where he always went.

Murphy's tail greeted him at the door, fluffy and gray before slinking off under one of the aisles and disappearing. The bell overhead dinged as the door shut behind him, and Peter walked into Delmar's. Weaving through the shelves (standing shoulder height ever since Delmar's deli was finally rebuilt, ensuring no one could ever get stuck under one again), he zeroed in on exactly what he came for. He picked up the last European charging converter before heading over to the check out.

Mr. Delmar was sitting next to the register, a lull in business permitting him a moment of rest. Peter waved hello, which was merrily reciprocated. The travel-size toothpaste, along with snacks any growing teenager would enjoy were catty-corner to Delmar, who watched as Peter thumbed through all the choices.

"Are you planning a trip?" Mr. Delmar politely inquired, placing his elbows on the counter as he leaned forward.

Peter who was in the middle of contemplating whether or not it would be too forward to bring some mouthwash to carry around (kissing Lila could happen at any right time, after all) as he answered, "Uh, Europe, yeah."

That piqued Delmar's interest, and he jokingly replied, "Ooh, can I come?"

"It's a science trip," Peter played along, deciding to just get the mouthwash along with a bag of chips for his trouble. He placed all his things on the counter and added, "The history of science. Tesla, Da Vinci and all that."

Mr. Delmar's smile deflated, uncrossing his arms and moving to scan all of Peter's items. "I'm good. Anything else?"

"Um," Peter noted the display behind Mr. Delmar, "Tienes adaptaro duble... audiophone?" His words were elongated as he tried to string a sentence (make up words) together for his Spanish friend.

Mr. Delmar was unimpressed. "¿Que?"

"The dual headphone adapter." A grunt of laughter escaped Mr. Delmar as he corrected Peter. Peter, who was thinking about who he'd share said adapter with, merely shrugged. "That is literally, exactly what I said. Maybe word for word."

"Here," Mr. Delmar said, and rang him out. "Stay out of trouble over there, and say hi to your aunt for me." With a wink, he let Peter go, and Peter crossed off yet another thing on his to-do list.

The next step had Peter rushing home, but he didn't stay for long. Only long enough to put his Spider-Man suit on underneath his clothes (the nanotechnology made it so easy), drop off his toiletries and grab the box by his door.

Peter had previously sorted through all the action figures he'd collected, as he knew he'd be busy today. And he was glad he did it earlier — the process took him three hours of serious contemplation. There was only one figure he was still unsure about selling, but he didn't think too hard on it as he headed back onto the street.

Pawn shops were not Peter's ideal shopping experience, but he'd discovered this one when he once stopped a robber from looting the place. Inside had various trinkets, anything from guitars to remote-control cars to (allegedly Wakandan) carved animal masks. Peter greeted the shop's owner and slid his shoebox of figurines across the counter.

The man, slightly taller than Peter, put his glasses on and inspected each figurine. He listed off prices for each one, and came to a total. When he glanced back up at Peter, he raised an eyebrow in doubt. "You sure about this?"

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