Chapter Two: Freedom

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Harry Potter lay motionless in the cavernous master bedroom, once belonging to his aunt and uncle. Darkness didn't bother him; everything in his life seemed brighter now that he finally had the freedom he always craved.

This newfound liberty was almost unbelievable, impossible while his last living relatives were alive. Yet, thanks to his arch-nemesis Voldemort, he was free. The irony was astounding.

Voldemort's acquisition of Harry's blood had rendered the protection his Aunt Petunia unknowingly provided useless. The Dursleys, no longer obligated to tolerate him (and vice versa), seized the opportunity to relocate to London. They were well-off and purchased a new home, leaving Harry the house at Privet Drive. To his surprise, he learned the house was originally his mother's inheritance.

Petunia had chosen to live there as a twisted way to control something her sister had owned. Imagine her glee when Harry appeared on her doorstep all those years ago. She was ecstatic, finally able to torment those emerald green eyes she loathed. Petunia never cared about Harry's individual traits; all she saw were the eyes of her hated sister.


A shrill ring echoed through the house, signaling a visitor. Petunia, always eager to showcase her "flawless" family, rushed to the door after ensuring the house was spotless and Harry was out of sight. She didn't want any visitors to see the "hideous" boy.

Of course, that was a matter of opinion. Harry was now six feet tall, with toned muscles from Quidditch training and magical contact lenses that gave him perfect vision without altering his natural eye color.

"Ah, Petunia, so glad to see you again! It's been ages," Albus Dumbledore greeted when the horse-faced woman opened the door.

"Albus Dumbledore," Petunia replied, her face stern, as if restraining herself from slamming the door.

"May I come in?" Dumbledore asked, already stepping inside and heading for the living room.

"I'll get the boy," Petunia said automatically, about to fetch Harry from the kitchen.

"Actually, my visit concerns all of you. I have good news. Vernon and Dudley should be present as well." Dumbledore said, a twinkle in his eye, as he conjured a cup of tea.

Moments later, Harry burst into the room, greeting his professor warmly. "Professor! Can I get you anything besides tea? Forgive the... other occupants of this house, they aren't known for their manners."

"That's quite alright, Harry. Tea is fine." Dumbledore chuckled, three pairs of eyes fixed on him – two annoyed, one fearful.

"Well, since everyone's here, let's get to it." Dumbledore stood. "Petunia, Vernon, I'm sure Harry is grateful for your care, but knowing you're burdened by him, you're now free of that responsibility. The magic protecting Harry is gone."

All four grinned. They were finally rid of each other.

"I'll go pack!" Harry and Uncle Vernon exclaimed simultaneously.

"Harry, you aren't going anywhere," Dumbledore clarified, surprising Petunia. She knew what this meant: They were being evicted.

"Petunia, kindly give Harry the deed to the house."

Shocked, Harry watched as Petunia reluctantly retrieved two wills and a deed. The first will, from his grandparents, left the house to Lily. The second, from his parents, named Sirius Black as his godfather and bequeathed everything they owned to Harry.

He now owned not only Privet Drive but also the house in Godric's Hollow and a manor in Hogsmeade, along with a vast fortune. By his sixteenth birthday, Gringotts would transfer all the Potter's wealth to his account.

"Thank you so much!" Harry hugged his professor tightly.

"No thanks necessary. Enjoy your freedom, and remember, sharing your blessings is better than hoarding them." With that, Dumbledore departed.

The Dursleys, overjoyed, packed their belongings. They left their old car behind, as only Petunia could fit in it, and she couldn't drive.

"Goodbye now, goodbye!" Harry waved excitedly at the departing van.

Once it was out of sight, he ran to his room, shouting, "We're free, Hedwig! We're free!" He released his owl, promising her freedom to roam.

After a celebratory dinner with Hedwig, another knock came. Harry cautiously peered through the door using his magical lenses. To his surprise, it was Dobby the house elf.

"Dobby! What are you doing here?"

"Dobby wants to work for Harry Potter, sir. Now that Harry Potter is away from mean relatives, Dobby can be of service."

Harry hesitated, remembering Hermione's disapproval of house elves. But Dobby pleaded, promising to tell Hermione that he was happy, with wages and days off. Harry relented, seeing Dobby's eagerness and remembering the elf's past sacrifices.

"Alright, Dobby, you can stay under a few conditions..."

End of Flashback

Overwhelmed by the events, Harry gave Dobby his old cupboard under the stairs. The elf was overjoyed. Finally, Harry felt his eyes grow heavy, drifting off to sleep with dreams of a carefree summer.

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