Chapter 3: Green Flames

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Harry, Dobby, and Hedwig were tucking into a hearty breakfast when Harry's thoughts turned to the responsibilities that came with his newfound freedom. Three houses and a considerable fortune demanded his attention, yet he had little experience managing either.

"Something troubling you, sir?" Dobby inquired, concerned by Harry's pensive expression. Even Hedwig fixed her gaze on him intently.

"Just thinking, Dobby," Harry replied, swallowing a mouthful of bacon.

"Might Dobby be of assistance, sir?"

Dobby knew meddling was forbidden, but his concern for Harry ran deep. The boy had given him things his own parents claimed were impossible: freedom from both his former masters and the ingrained beliefs of his kind. Harry had also shown him courage, something Dobby had always lacked until the night he warned Harry about the diary, risking his life in the process.

"Well, you see, Dobby, this house isn't the only one I own. There's one in Godric's Hollow and another in Hogsmeade. Next month, on my birthday, the entire Potter fortune will be transferred to my Gringotts vault, and frankly, I haven't a clue what to do. I lived in a cupboard for eleven years with nothing to my name, and now I'm responsible for three houses. Three!"

"Might Dobby speak freely, sir?"

"Of course, Dobby. You shouldn't hesitate in this house, or any of my houses. I need your advice."

"Well, young master could start by purchasing some clothes for himself," Dobby suggested, embarrassed. He'd noticed Harry's wardrobe was woefully inadequate.

Harry glanced down at his shirt, nodding in agreement. He was still wearing Dudley's hand-me-downs.

"Then, perhaps, the young master could visit his other houses and see if Dobby needs to tidy them up, sir."

"Oh, wait! I don't even know how to get there. I only have addresses."

"Dobby can guide you, sir! Dobby has traveled extensively since leaving his old master's household."

"Brilliant! We're going out today! Oh, and you can turn invisible, right? Muggles aren't used to seeing house-elves."

Harry bounded up the stairs, but Dobby called out, reminding him of the letters from Ron and Hermione on his nightstand. Hedwig, thrilled by her freedom, had delivered them and returned with replies.


Brilliant news about the house! I'm chuffed to bits for you.

Ron and I were wondering if we might pop by for a visit before term starts?

It's lovely that Dobby's getting wages and days off. Do make sure he chooses his day off, and when you buy him new clothes, don't you dare take it out of his pay, Harry! I know he'll be ever so much better off with you, though. Do take good care of him. He's quite fond of you, you know. House elves are fiercely loyal, and Dobby's been loyal to you even before he was officially in your care. Give him my best, won't you?

I've got some smashing news of my own.

Ron finally plucked up the courage to tell me how he feels, sending me a Clandestineness. It was rather sweet, actually. Well, you know how I feel about him, don't you? So, I sent one back saying, "Took you long enough! Of course, I'll go out with you. Wouldn't want to miss the chance to be the girlfriend of the future Gryffindor Quidditch Captain."

That was about a week ago. Sorry we haven't written sooner, we were simply bursting to tell you, but we knew how your uncle loathes owls. Posting a letter seemed pointless, as your uncle likely wouldn't have passed it on. We've been talking about you loads, though, and knew you'd be happy for us.

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