Chapter 2 -Veil of the Haunted Dunes-

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Year 7 of the 5th Era
5 A.M.

I have just awakened to my brother eating some sand scorpion meat we bought from the market. Yesterday we were in our home, and now we're out in the desert, the red sands stretching far and wide. It's a beautiful sight, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, casting the sky with a brief burst of color. As I write this, I snack upon some fruit I managed to grab from home in our mad dash to escape the Red Venom clan—those notorious bandits who roam the wastes and infiltrate cities to rob and kill for whatever they can get. They aren't the worst bandit clan, but they are not to be taken lightly. We were lucky to get away with our lives.

The desert has an eerie silence about it, only broken by the occasional rustling of sand as the wind blows. As I gaze upon the endless expanse of red dunes, I can't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation. The beauty of the desert at dawn is a stark contrast to the danger that lurks within it.

I must go, but I shall write in this journal more to document our journey. I can only ponder what Hakim meant about the map hiding a secret when all else fails. His cryptic words weigh heavily on my mind. The map is our guide, our only hope of finding the legendary Ruhk and the city of Soloderum. But what secret could it possibly hold?

None the less, the Haunted Wasteland awaits. I can hear its winds blowing from where I sit already. We've still a good few miles before we reach the cursed place proper. The thought of venturing into that forsaken land sends a shiver down my spine, but I know we have no choice if we are to uncover the truths we seek.

My brother, Va'nesta, seems ready enough, his eyes filled with determination as he finishes his meal. I hope he is truly prepared for the trials ahead. This journey will test us in ways we cannot yet imagine. But together, we will face whatever comes our way. Our bond as brothers is our greatest strength.

As I pack away the last of our provisions and prepare to set off once more, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The road ahead is fraught with peril, but it is also ripe with the promise of discovery and adventure. The Haunted Wasteland awaits, and with it, the secrets of the Ruhk and Soloderum.

---signed by Jaiem


Jaiem closed his journal and pocketed it, finishing the apple he was eating and spitting the seeds into the sand before walking over to Va'nesta. "You ready, brother? We've only a few miles till we hit the Haunted Wasteland." Jaiem asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'm ready, brother." Va'nesta picked up his spear and returned the smile. "Let's get moving, hm? Time waits for no man." He started walking, Jaiem chuckling as he picked up his bag and began to follow.

"So... does the map say why exactly we need to go through the Haunted Wasteland?" Va'nesta asked, glancing at his brother.

"Well, it says something about the stone or slab that Hakim gave us, along with the map. It says it's a sort of... key?" Jaiem answered, reading the map with a puzzled expression. "There's a note here that says we need something to even find the nest in the first place, but it doesn't elaborate further."

"That's a little... strange. Gods, I wish I was back home with a bottle of rum and a lady in the other," Va'nesta said, looking over his shoulder at Jaiem with a wistful grin.

"I know you'd rather be anywhere else, but it means a lot that you're tagging along to make up for the sleepless nights you gave me while being with said woman," Jaiem replied, half serious and half joking.

Va'nesta laughed, a deep, hearty sound that echoed across the desert sands. "I suppose I owe you more than just this trip, then. You always were the responsible one, keeping me out of too much trouble."

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