Chapter 1 -Whispers in the Sand-

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year 7 of the 5th era
11:00 P.M. 

I write this in a bid for some form of inner peace, as the quiet sanctity of my home is disrupted by my brother's actions with the woman he brought home from the local house of sin, as I call them. The noise is unbearable, and it's hard to write a poem with how loud they are being. I have a massive project to turn in to my teachers at the local bardic university soon and cannot get any work done. So I have retreated out to the desert sands outside my house and write this in the dim firelight.

The desert night is cool, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside. My brother, ever the source of chaos, suggested I write a story on the tale of the Ruhk and the city of Soloderum, a city situated upon a massive flying bird not seen since the early age of the earth. Initially, I dismissed it as one of his fanciful whims, but curiosity got the better of me. I looked into it, and all I have found is that they are merely fairytales, or so I'm told.

Yet, amidst the dusty tomes and ancient scrolls, a brave soul in the local library hinted at more. He claimed he had a way to find this legendary bird and urged me to meet him deep within the markets of Najmalara, my birth city. His eyes held a flicker of knowledge and mystery, as if he had seen things that most deem impossible. I couldn't help but be intrigued by his conviction.

As I write this, I see the woman my brother brought home leave the house, her silhouette fading into the night. I can finally sleep in my own bed, but my mind races with thoughts of what the morrow might bring. The promise of adventure looms large, and the desert whispers secrets long forgotten.

Mayhaps tomorrow I will be set on a trail of adventure to find this majestic Ruhk. The thought fills me with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. If the tales hold any truth, then Soloderum, the city upon the wings of a bird, awaits discovery. Perhaps, in seeking out this legend, I will find not just the subject of my project, but also the peace that eludes me tonight.

---Signed Jaiem Solosso


Jaiem sighed as he closed his journal and stood up. He put out the small campfire he had made before walking into the limestone hut he lived in. Wasting no time, he went to bed and quickly fell asleep.

He awoke to the beating hot sun shining through his window. Standing up, he looked outside at the red sands of Corabia, rubbing his eyes to rid himself of the sleepiness, before closing the blinds and getting dressed. He put on his clothes and armor, then grabbed his scimitar off the wall and secured it to his belt. Strolling into the kitchen, he pocketed his journal. In the kitchen stood his older brother Va'nesta, who wore similar attire to Jaiem, though his clothes were a cool blue and he wore a plate cuirass instead of just leather.

"Morning, brother. Did you sleep well?" Va'nesta asked, taking a bite of some meat he had bought from the markets.

"Only when you finished with the girl last night, Va'nesta," Jaiem replied, tired but firm. "What have I told you about bringing women into our home? You know my work is important to me, and I can't focus when you're making so much noise." He grabbed an apple from a bowl nearby and took a chomp out of it.

"Oh, by the scales, I forgot you had an important project coming up!" Va'nesta said with a genuinely upset tone. "I truly am sorry."

"Good," Jaiem said. "You can prove it by going on this errand with me. Someone told me they have information on a subject for my poem, and I want to see if they're being truthful. So grab your spear and shield, and let's move." He gestured to the door of their hut as he finished the apple, spitting the seed out of his mouth onto the dusty floor.

Va'nesta nodded, quickly finishing his meal before heading to his room to gather his spear and shield. Jaiem watched his brother with a mixture of affection and exasperation. Despite Va'nesta's flaws, he was loyal and dependable when it mattered most.

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