Chapter 4 -Oasis of Ubar & Shoals of Sheol

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Year 7 of the 5th Era

Va'nesta and I stand before the Oasis of Ubar. The water is... calm, an unsettling contrast to the chaos around us. It shimmers under the eerie purple firelight, casting ghostly reflections on the surrounding sickly blue sand. The air is thick, heavy with the weight of despair and the sulfurous scent of burning rock. Every breath feels like inhaling smoke, each step like trudging through molasses. Yet here, at the edge of this oasis, there is an unsettling stillness, as if this small haven of water defies the torment of Gehenna itself.

Before us stands a small stone slab, jutting out of the sand. It bears ancient inscriptions, their meanings lost to time. Va'nesta is reading it over, his brow furrowed in concentration. The words seem to pulse with a strange energy, resonating with the heavy atmosphere around us.

Every so often, the air is pierced by the harrowing scream of a damned soul, echoing from the black sky above. It's a chilling reminder of where we are, each scream marking another lost soul falling into this infernal realm. These cries for mercy blend with the constant hum of the wasteland, creating an unnerving symphony of agony and despair.

Despite the oppressive surroundings, there is a bizarre tranquility at the oasis. It's as if this place, however small, holds a fragment of peace amidst the torment. The water, so still and unperturbed, feels like a brief respite, a momentary escape from the relentless horrors of Gehenna. I can see my own reflection in the water, distorted by the flickering purple flames, and for a brief moment, I feel a sense of calm.

But we can't linger. This oasis, as peaceful as it seems, is just a stop on our journey. We must decipher the inscriptions on the slab and complete the trial of wisdom if we are to escape this hellish place. With Va'nesta by my side, I feel a glimmer of hope. We have faced many challenges together, and I trust we will overcome this one too. The path ahead is uncertain, but our resolve is unwavering. We will find our way out of Gehenna, no matter what it takes.

Signed by Jaiem Solosso


Jaiem closes his journal and walks over to Va'nesta, peering into the water before looking over to Va'nesta.

Va'nesta and Jaiem stood before the stone slab, the flickering purple flames casting eerie shadows over the three archways ahead. The air was thick with an unnatural heaviness, the oppressive atmosphere of Gehenna pressing down on them. The occasional scream of a damned soul echoed from above, chilling their bones.

Va'nesta read the inscription aloud, his voice barely above a whisper, "Three paths lie before you, but only one is true. Listen to the echoes, for they will guide you. Wisdom speaks in whispers, not in haste, Heed the silence, where knowledge is placed. First door echoes the past, Second door echoes the present, Third door echoes the future."

Va'nesta frowned, deep in thought. "So, we have to choose the right door by listening to the echoes and asking the right question."

Jaiem nodded. "It seems that way. We need to find the question that echoes in our hearts and listen for the wisdom in the silence."

They stood quietly for a moment, straining their ears to catch any sound from the archways. The first door whispered faint, indistinct murmurs, like the distant memories of a forgotten time. The third door emitted a strange, almost mechanical hum, as if predicting events yet to come.

But the second door—the present—had a different sound. It was steady, clear, and strong, like the heartbeat of someone standing beside them.

"Jaiem, do you hear that?" Va'nesta asked, his voice hushed.

Jaiem nodded. "Yes, it sounds... familiar. It's the present, the here and now."

Va'nesta looked at Jaiem, his eyes filled with determination. "What question echoes in your heart, brother?"

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