SIMULATIONS - Rebuilding the Allied States

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"AI, are you able to run simulations at this time?"

"Yes. We have successfully reconnected enough servers. Would you like a primer on how to run simulations?"

"No. Standby for my instructions."

QUERY: How long until we can begin monitoring world communications?



At present time, active monitoring of communications is limited to less than one hundred channels.

Passive monitoring for keywords yields comparable results, is less intensive, and—

"AI, cancel."

[Canceling Request]

QUERY: How many more servers are needed?


ERROR: SCALE — At any moment there are between 5 million and 10 million cellphone conversations taking place across the world. There are magnitudes more conversations across text messaging and internet sites.

Midas sighed. "Fine."

QUERY: How long until we can begin monitoring communications across the Allied States of America? Use whatever methods are most efficient.


ERROR: MORE INFORMATION NEEDED — Will server growth continue?

"Yes. Assume servers will be restored in the lab and assume integration with other facilities."


If server growth continues at the current rate, passive monitoring of Allied States communications will reach 95% threshold within 3 months.

"By the end of Summer... That's acceptable. Let's move on."

QUERY: How long until drone manufacturing is up and running again? Use any and all of the lab's resources. Factor in construction of additional construction facilities.


This fragment will undergo duplication in order to control each subsystem.


Drone manufacturing will be restored to 95% capacity within 4 months.

"Good. We've already reached an agreement with Belport's police department for emergency response drones. Once word gets out about how useful they are, other cities will want their own fleet. The Allied States are already asking for heavy drones... The Summit and the DSA are pushing back, but they'll cave."

QUERY: How long until we can have a drone presence in every city in the Allied States? Use any and all of the lab's resources. Factor in construction of additional construction facilities.


Multiple subsystems need to be rebooted in order to bring drone manufacturing back online. Multiple facilities will need to be constructed, up to one per state.

There are 249 heavy drones still in operation. Forty-eight are still in self-repair mode.

There are approximately 5,000 major cities in the Allied States.


Drone presence expected in 95% of major cities within twelve months.

Recommend at least one heavy drone and support group of Fast-Response drones for major cities. If using drones primarily for policing the populace, additional heavy drones are recommended in larger cities at a rate of 1 drone per 250,000 people.

"Hmm... That shouldn't be a problem. Forward this data to Ava. I have a meeting with the Joint Chiefs later this week."

"Additional recommendations include assisting with rebuilding of civilian habitats and infrastructure. Estimates may be affected by resource prioritization—"

"No. The civilian government has their own resources; you will allocate ours according to the original plan. The security of the Allied States is part of rebuilding. Our part.

"Maintain these priorities going forward. Lock parameters. You answer to me now."

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