Chapter 5 Part 3 'Special privileges'

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When Green was finished with her dirty work she got to Blue's house covered in dirt from head to toe. She knocked on the door and waited for a good solid six minutes before Blue slowly opened the door and looked at Green. He still felt like he needed to be careful around Green, so he left the door only a crack.

Green was dragging a trash bag with her. Blue didn't let her in for a few seconds but eventually did when his inner turmoil calmed down a little. His shirt was off, bandages going over his chest and shoulder to hold the gauze he placed on it in a desperate attempt to stop the blood, it wasn't working clearly. When he'd sway his arm he'd wince a bit or cringe and go stiff.

That wouldn't work for long, she'd fix it for him later.

The two of them didn't speak, staring blankly at each other as the door closed Green. Green hadn't said a single word since their small chat earlier where she had told Blue to trust her. That she'd handle this, and that she did.

Cyan's car conveniently went missing in a remote area before she took a bus and an Uber here. Blue had taken the whole thing as a fever dream of emotions, anger, shock, and sorrow at forcing Cyan to take some hard sleeping pills before tying him up in the basement To how shocked he was to see Green, especially how she spoke so confidently after killing someone. It was all- So strange and fast, he's had no time to relax.

"I made it look like his house was robbed." She finally spoke, her tone cold.

Blue stared back, "Oh.." It was pitch black outside, and Cyan's parents not being home was strange but not unheard of, he assumed that because how else did Green make it look like a robbery if they were there? They were probably out doing something special or arrived back shortly after she had finished. Cyan will probably be reported missing soon, at the most, tomorrow morning.

Green held up the trash bag, inside were valuable items, Cyan's mother's jewelry box, Cyan's parent's computer, expensive silverware, and other important items. She also got some peace gifts for Blue, some of Cyan's drawings, several changes of clothes for Cyan, Cyan's toothbrush, some of Cyan's socks, Cyan's light blue metal water bottle from his desk, and Cyan's white earbuds, and a charger.

Maybe some of Cyan's items would please Blue, calm him down, and chill him out. So they could work together! Be siblings and friends.

Green had smashed a rock through the back window of the back door, rushed inside, and threw things around before stealing valuables and some of Cyan's things. Blue spoke with serious eyes that looked puffy as if he had finished crying. "You stabbed her."

He sounded defeated and tired, getting a thought out of his head through his mouth. Green came out of nowhere, stabbed Rose, and then asked Blue to trust him. Green clearly wasn't a hippie, clearly wasn't who she presented herself to be.

Green smiled slightly, dropping the bag to the floor when Blue didn't grab it,. "She was going to kill you, and yet you look so angry at me" Green didn't understand why he was mad, she was sure Blue was going to die so she acted to keep his story going by saving him. Her smile slowly fell to a monotone expression with a slightly tilted head and squinted eyes.

"Of course, I'm-! You kill someone in front of me and expect me not to be a little shell-shocked! If our parents get married.. You're going to be my step-sister! I watched you kill someone!" He spoke in a hushed tone, a sort of yelling whisper as he used his hands to express how angry and shocked he was by waving them around as he spoke.

"What's the problem in all of that? I won't tell anyone what I know about you. And you don't tell anyone about what you know about me, simple." Green untitled her head, smiling again, a wide happy smile like she just broke Blue's whole argument and they were instantly going to hug and be buddies.

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