Part 2

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The rest of class continues, and soon enough the bell rings to signal the end of class. Once class is over, Sam looks at you.

Sam: "Well that was certainly chaotic..."

Tori: "I know right...why were they asking questions to our teacher like they're scared to confirm it from the source?"

Sam: "I don't know... honestly, most of the people in this school are cowards. It's pathetic..."

Tori: Nods in agreement

Sam: "Anyway, let's get out of here..."

Sam leads you out of the classroom, holding your hand.

As you both exit the classroom, you're met with many whispers and glances from the other students.

Sam: "Ugh... they're still looking at us... can't they mind their own damn business for once?"

Tori: " wanted this right? Now they're not approaching you"

Sam: Sigh "Yeah... you're right."

Sam continues holding your hand as you both walk through the hallway, with people still murmuring around you two as they see you holding hands.

A group of boys pass you by, and you hear their conversation.

Boy 1: "So, does that mean Sam's off the market now..?"

Boy 2: "Damn, I can't believe Tori of all people got Sam... that doesn't seem right."

Tori: Lets go of Sam's hand to walk up to Boy 2.

"Of course it doesn't, but she's mine now. Why do you suppose that is?"

Boy 2 is caught off guard and slightly intimidated by your sudden approach.

Boy 2: Cough "O-oh uh, n-no reason, I was just saying... I guess I'm just surprised Sam chose you..."

Tori: "Chose me? Pfft..out of all the options?...she chose me?" Looks up and down at Boy 2's body then smirks. "Maybe I was her only option." Goes to hold Sam's hand to lead her away.

Boy 2 looks somewhat offended and embarrassed at that response, especially when you look at him up and down and smirk at him.

Boy 2: "Hey, what's that supposed to-?!"

Boy 1 grabs his arm to stop him.

Boy 1: "C'mon man, let's just go..."

Boy 2 reluctantly lets Boy 1 lead him away. Sam chuckles when she sees their interaction with you.

Sam: "Heh, the look on his face was priceless. He looked so embarrassed and upset when you said that."

Tori: "Hehheh...yea well it's pathetic when people make excuses for themselves when they don't have what they want."

Sam: Smirks "Yep... exactly. But honestly, thanks for doing that. I enjoyed watching you put that guy in his place."

Tori: "Don't mention it, I'm doing this for you"

Sam: "And I appreciate it..."

She gives your hand a small squeeze as you both walk down the hallway.

Sam: "You're pretty cool, you know that?"

Tori: Chuckles a bit, "isn't that why you chose me?"

Sam: "Yeah, I guess so..."

Sam gives you a small smirk before looking down at your intertwined hands.

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