Part 3

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Sam: "Yeah... until then, I belong to you, 'babe'...chuckles...But hey, let's just focus on the present for now. We've got this whole fake relationship charade to continue playing up, don't we? Especially since we want to keep up this image of a couple while also making other girls jealous and envious."

Tori: Chuckles "That's true.....So there's no one in that crowd of girls that you're interested in?"

Sam looks around the hallway, glancing at all the faces, before shaking her head.

Sam: "Nope, none of them so far. Like I said, I never hint or give any subtle indications that I prefer girls, so most of them just assume I'm not into girls and that I've just been rejecting boys all this time."

Tori: "But besides that...nobody?", gestures to her to look again.

Sam looks again, scanning the faces more carefully this time.

Sam: "...nope, still no one... honestly, most of them are way too basic and bland for my taste. Some of them are pretty, but they're clearly just trying to look good in a superficial way for their Instagram or something. None of them stand out."

Tori: Chuckles "Ouch. I feel bad for them. I guess that's why you chose me." Nudges her teasingly.

Sam chuckles and playfully nudges you back.

Sam: "Heh, bingo. That's right, I chose you for a reason...looks at you with a smirk, raising an eyebrow jokingly..You're certainly different from those other girls, that's for sure."

Tori: Flashes Sam a smile. "I never knew how fun it is being with you, considering we never talked until today."

Sam: Smiling back. "Me neither. It's a shame.... If we had started talking earlier, this whole thing might've happened sooner..."

Tori: "Even the pretend dating part?'s starting to sound like we're a real couple"

Sam: "Heh, yeah... I guess it does kinda sound like that. And you know, I don't really mind it too much."

Sam playfully wraps her arm around yours, pulling you a bit closer.

I smile at her gesture and Sam smiles back, her smirk softening. She continues holding onto your arm, enjoying the close proximity. It's almost like she's savoring the feeling.

Sam: "Mhm... I gotta admit, it's nice being close like this with you..."

Tori: "Okay you're just teasing"

Sam: "Heh, you got me. I am...kinda... but hey, you're enjoying this closeness too, aren't you?"

Tori: " got me there"

Sam chuckles again, clearly enjoying this banter.

Sam: "I knew it. You're just as into this whole fake couple thing as I am. You're just better at hiding it than I am."

Sam walks with you down the hall, her arm still linked around yours. She glances around, noticing a few jealous stares thrown their way. She looks back at you, a smirk playing on her lips.

Sam: "Looks like we got an audience here. Those girls are staring at us from all angles, some of them look really jealous."

Tori: "....should we kiss? know...for our audience?"

Sam: "Oh god, don't tempt me... that would definitely make those girls lose it. But then there's the problem of people starting to suspect our relationship is more than just pretend."

Tori: "Well I recall you saying that a kiss to the cheek or forehead would be fine......leans closer to Sam's ear and whispers.....Unless of course you want to kiss for real? Maybe as practice until you have someone real?.... teasingly as a joke."

It's Just Pretend... ||⋆⋅SHORT STORY⋅⋆||Where stories live. Discover now