Chapter 1 - UA

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Chapter 1

Current age: 16

FYI- Do NOT skip the Prologue it is very important to the story line

Today was the day I could finally start my journey of fulfilling my promise to Touya. Both Shoto and I got accepted into UA. Him on recommendations, and me on taking the exam. Of course father recommended Shoto but refused to do the same for me because I wasn't cut out to be a hero. All father ever says is my quirk is good and all, but I can't regulate my body temperature so it's pointless. He really just means my efforts are futile because Shoto's going to be the number one hero. I don't necessarily need to be number one, I would just like to be in the top ten heroes. I believe that would prove the rest of my siblings and I were never failures, just as Touya always wanted to do.

I looked in the mirror as I brushed my long disgustingly red hair, two blue eyes staring back at me, except only one of them works. I'm not necessarily excited to be starting at a new school because I don't want anyone saying anything about my eye.

The eye itself almost looks completely normal other than the fact my pupil is a little deformed. The only problem is after a while people pick up on the fact it looks a little weird and the fact I sometimes don't see things I obviously should have. Then I have to explain I'm blind in one eye then people ask how it happened and I always lie. My usual excuse is that I ran into a table when I was little and the corner stabbed my eye.

The only time someone has ever picked up on it was in junior high someone found it weird both Shoto and I had something wrong with an eye. Neither Shoto nor I admitted what had truly happened, we just said it was a coincidence, yet no one believed us. The rest of 8th grade people knew something wasn't adding up, but we still never admitted what truly happened to anyone.

But that didn't matter anymore, this was a completely new school. I popped a pearl earring onto each ear and swung my bag over my shoulder. I took a glance at my wrist, the words embedded on it reading, "Do I seriously have to work with the wallflower?" There was a chance I could meet my soulmate at UA, yet I didn't want that to happen. I can't let anything distract me from my promise to Touya, not even a soulmate.

Shoto was already exiting the front door when I made it down the stairs. "Not even going to bother to wait for me?" I asked.

He turned around and looked at me, "Oh sorry." He muttered, holding the front door for me.

I thanked him and walked out of the front door. Along the way we didn't exactly talk too much, we just made occasional small talk about recent events going on.

I pulled my schedule out of my pocket and looked at it. "I'm in class 1A and Mr. Aizawa is my homeroom teacher. Who do you have?"

Shoto fiddled with his schedule and scanned the paper with his heterochromatic eyes, "Same." He muttered, his usual quiet demeanor I've listened to my entire life.

I let out a sigh not wanting to be in the same class because every time that happens people ask us the most stupid questions. "Great, now we have to put up with all the, "Can you read each other's minds?" "If I punched one of you would the other feel it?" I said, mocking the previous people who have asked us those questions our entire lives.

The second people notice our last names are the same, and the fact Shoto's left half looks exactly like me we end up with a barrage of the dumbest questions you can think of.

"Maybe one of us could ask to switch classes." Shoto proposed.

"That's actually not a bad idea." I said, placing a finger to my face.

A look of disappointment filled Shoto's face, "Actually that isn't going to work since they accept exactly forty students in the hero course curriculum a year. That means both classes are full and it's not like anyone will trade with us." He said, retracting his original statement.

I sighed and pressed a hand to my face, "I'll walk a lap around the school so we don't walk in at the same time."

"Ok." Shoto said, walking into class 1A, while I took a walk around the campus.

While I was walking I noticed a vending machine and decided to get a drink since I was mildly parched. I put about 100 yen into the machine and chose to get a pineapple mango lemonade. I grabbed my drink but noticed a girl next to me with the most adorable pink cheeks having problems with the snack vending machine.

She seemed nice enough and I knew I could do something with my quirk to help. I don't exactly do too well with talking to people, but if I'm going to be a hero I need to get better at that. Plus, I'll only have to talk to her for five seconds and most likely never see her again. 'I've got this.'

"Stupid machine." The girl muttered under her breath.

A feeling in the pit of my stomach arose from nerves, but I ignored the feeling and tapped the girl on the shoulder, "Uhm... I noticed you were having problems with the vending machine," I stared at the floor in discomfort, "Ur- My quirk might be able to help if you'd like..." I mumbled.

She looked at me and smiled, "That would be great!" She enthusiastically said, placing a hand on the back of her head.

I awkwardly smiled and created a tool picker out of ice and stuck it through the small slit in the vending machine to grab the snack that had gotten stuck. I grabbed the snack and handed it to her, throwing the ice tool in a nearby garbage can knowing it would melt later.

The girls eyes sparkled in awe as she gratefully took the snack from my hand. "Wow, your quirk is really cool! What is it? I'm Ochako Uraraka by the way." She said in an unbeknowingly cute voice.

Uh oh. All I wanted to do was help a person out real quick and get to class. I should have known.

"Uhm I'm Himari Todoroki. I can pretty much do anything with ice/snow, including making objects out of ice." I awkwardly muttered.

Before she could open her mouth I opened mine, "I really need to get to class. It was nice meeting you." I said, beginning to walk off.

She caught up with me and spoke up, "I probably do too. What class and course are you in?" She asked.

I inhaled a breath, nervously gripping the strap of my bag. "I'm in the hero course and in class 1A."

A look of pure glee spread across this Uraraka girl's face. "No way, I'm in the hero course and in class 1A too!" 

Just great. My goal was to pass the course with flying colors and stick to myself like I normally do, but now I was stuck being friends with this girl. It's not that I don't like her, she's actually very nice. It's just that I've never really been able to maintain a friendship considering I don't talk to anyone but my siblings really.

Maybe this actually isn't such a bad thing. Uraraka is quite nice, and maybe she'll help me get over my stupid issue.

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