Chapter 4 - Not Normal

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Chapter 4

Training Lesson

I'm so excited for today's class, well I'm pretty sure everyone is. All Might was teaching today's class in hero training. He's always been someone I've looked up to and my idol. My dad sure is pissed about that, but maybe he should be a better person if he wants me to view him as my idol.

I was sketching a landscape in my notebook as our class eagerly waited for All Mightj to arrive. Art was something I found joy in when dad forbade me from playing outside since I hadn't adjusted to being blind in an eye yet. I was pretty much stuck inside all day, doomed to boredom but then I saw someone drawing in a television show and decided to give it a try. I was shockingly ok at it and I've gotten so much better over the years. It sort of just stuck around even after I figured out how to navigate with only one working eye. Thankfully the eye that doesn't work still looks perfectly normal other than my pupil.

A gust of wind flashed by us and in came All Might. I gawked in awe as he opened his mouth, "I am here," he looked at the class, "Today's lesson will be a partner training exercise. All of you will draw lots out of a bucket with sticks numbered 1-10, there are two of each number meaning whoever has the same number as you will be your partner."

Everyone drew sticks out of a bucket that All Might came around with. I grabbed a stick that had the number 4 plastered on it.

Before I could even begin to look for my partner I felt something grabbing at my behind. I turned around to see a short purple haired boy foaming at the mouth. I let out a quiet screech of horror.

"Sorry miss, I couldn't resist, it's just so... Big. God you're curvy." The pervert muttered, running his fingers down my hip.

"Please stop doing that! I didn't say you could, nor do I want you to." I stuttered in sheer horror, backing up towards the wall.

"Young Mineta! Stop that this instant!" All Might ordered.

"Feels even better than it looks..." He muttered, still foaming at the mouth as Iida dragged him off of me.

Iida began waving his hands and lecturing Mineta about how uncouth his actions were.

"Are you ok Himari?" Shoto asked.

I just nodded my head as I held back tears.

"Wait, if twins feel what the other one feels, does that mean you just got molested too?" Sato snorted as he asked Shoto the stupid question.

"That's not how that works." Was all Shoto had to say.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened, and this is kind of bad timing," a boy with yellow hair that had a patch of black awkwardly said, placing a hand to his head avoiding eye contact. "But you're the only other one without a partner so I think we're partners." Kaminari said, pointing to a stick with the number four on it.

"Yeah, I have a four too." I said in the same manner, yet still more awkward.

"Ok class, your suits are over here." All Might exclaimed, pointing to a rack with hero costumes.

I grabbed the one with my name on it and headed to the girls locker room. It looked exactly like my drawing! I changed into it relatively quickly and headed out to the observation room.

"Everyone come over with their partner and draw yet another stick

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"Everyone come over with their partner and draw yet another stick. This one determines whether you are a villain or hero for this training exercise." All Might passionately exclaimed in his loud tone, pearly whites flashing and hands on hips.

I let Kaminari draw the stick since I didn't exactly feel comfortable doing so. The stick read the word 'villain.'

The first match was between Uraraka and Midoriya vs. Iida and that Bakugou kid. Kaminari and I were going second against Ashido and Sero. I'm not too sure what their quirks are, but we'll find out soon enough.

"Hey Kaminari, I think we should watch the first half of this match to grasp the concept, then we should make a plan during the second half since we're going second." I said, avoiding eye contact with the seemingly dumb but sweet boy.

"Yeah that sounds good Todoroki." Kaminari exclaimed, giving me a thumbs up paired with a goofy grin.

After I had grasped the concept of the training exercise about half way through the first match I pulled Kaminari aside so we could come up with a strategy.

We sat outside on a bench, "So what's your quirk? That will help me formulate a thorough plan." I muttered in a quiet voice, staring at the floor and fidgeting with my thumbs.

"Hey you don't need to be shy with me." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh uhm sorry-" I was cut off.

"I understand, some people are just that way, but there's no need to feel that way around me. If anything I should be the one who's awkward around you."

Before I could respond he started to explain his quirk, "I can discharge large voltages of electricity, but if I overuse my quirk my brain's basically fried. Oh, and I can't really control where it goes." He said, placing a hand to the back of his head.

My face lit up at the realization that our quirks were going to be very comparable for this exercise. "I think our quirks are going to work very well together!" I exclaimed, then blushed in embarrassment at the realization I got so excited over something so stupid.

"That's great! But can you explain your quirk please." He asked, a goofy smile adorning his face.

"Oh right." I flashed a nervous smile. "I can create snow flurries, and create pretty much anything out of ice. Say I wanted to make a sword. I could do that, but if I wanted to make an iPhone or something similar I can make the shape, but it isn't exactly going to work. And it's ice so it'll eventually melt. Or I could immobilize people inside the ice, create walls with it or glaciers. I think you get the point."

"That's really cool! But I'm not exactly the best at battle strategies." He sheepishly admitted.

I smiled, "I'd like to say I'm decent enough to allow us to win this match. Plus we're the villains so we already have the advantage."

"Ok, from what I've observed Ashido creates acid and Sero emits tape from his elbows. To combat their mobility I'll create a flurry of snow all throughout the building. That will strike trouble with their vision, thus causing trouble navigating through the building. Once they reach us I'll emit ice around their feet and create a wall of ice in front of me. Then you'll discharge your electricity and I won't be affected since I'll have the ice wall shielding me." I mansplained.

"I see whatcha mean." He said, pointing a finger at me.

"Let's get back to the observation room, I think our match is pretty soon." Kaminari stated, standing up from the bench and extending a hand to help me up which I reluctantly accepted. Not because I wanted to reject his act of kindness, but because I'm not used to people actually being nice to me.

All throughout elementary school I was the weird kid. People couldn't fathom how such a wallflower was Shoto's twin considering he was so 'hot' according to all the girls. One time I overheard some boys making fun of me. All they had to say was I had a pretty face but was too weird to even remotely find cute.

Things changed in junior high for the worse. As I hit puberty my body started developing and I ended up being curvier than usual. That only made things worse, anytime I so much as walked passed a boy they whistled yet found me repulsive due to my tendencies to stick to myself. Plus I always finished my work early so I would draw and they made fun of me for that too. I was known as the 'pass with an ass' since I was too weird to be associated with, yet had a 'desirable' body.

Uraraka and Kaminari have made me realize it's not normal to be treated that way. Maybe UA will be more than proving my father wrong...

No. If I have a mindset such as that I would never fulfill my promise to Touya.

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