Chapter 4

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A month has passed since Nyxia has came to this new world and started to travel with Inuyasha's group. Since then, she has gotten to learn that their world is not much different from hers and has even helped Kagome learn more of what she could do with herbs. She has became a great help ever since she has joined the group and even Inuyasha thought so as well ever since she has asked his help in training her, cause she wanted to handle her own against demons if she ever got separated from the group. When the others heard that Inuyasha was training the dark fae woman, they agreed that it was a good idea and started training together as well. Which has honestly helped them get stronger and work together better for whenever they come across an enemy.

As the sun rises on a beautiful Friday morning, Nyxia could be found flying above the clouds enjoying the morning air. The group has decided to stay at Kaidai's village since Kagome wanted to go back to her time for more supplies, but since that was a few days ago the younger girl should be coming back today. Nyxia wasn't flying that far from the village as she didn't want to be far in case one of her new friends called for her. Suddenly Nyxia could hear a little girls scream coming from a river that was near by where she was flying. Nyxia narrows her eyes in determination and flaps her powerful wings hoping she can get to the little girl in time. As she gets to the river, she noticed a kappa trying to drag a little girl into the river as she struggles against it and screams. Since Kagome and Sango have taught her about some of the yokai in their world, she knew how to weaken the kappa and get the little girl away from it. Nyxia dives down and hits the river yokai over the head hard with the end of her staff as she passes by, making the yokai fall over and losses some of the water from the hole inside of its head weakening it and letting the little girl go in the process. Nyxia lands on the ground and the little girl runs towards her, hiding behind the older woman as the kappa slowly gets back up. But instead of trying to attack them, it growls at them and leaves by going in the river and swims away. Seeing as it swims away in the river, Nyxia relaxes her stance and she turns to the little girl "are you alright?" She asked as she was worried for her. The little girl looks up at her and smiles happy that this strange older woman saved her "yes I'm ok, thank you so much for helping me" she hugs her as she thanks the woman. Nyxia was surprised by the hug, remembering the time when Aurora was this young and would hug the older woman whenever she could. She softly smiles and pats the girls head "what is your name young one?" She asked her. The younger girl lets her go and looks up at her "I'm Rin, what's your name?" Rin asked her happy to get to know the beautiful lady in front of her. "My name is Nyxia, it's very nice to meet you Rin" Nyxia said as she smiles softly at the younger girl, remembering the time when Aurora was her age. Rin bounces up and down in excitement at making a new friend "it's nice to meet you to Lady Nyxia" Rin couldn't help but to smile in her excitement. Nyxia had a feeling she shouldn't ask about her parents since the girl was alone in the middle of the forest. A small grumbling could be heard from the little girls stomach, making Rin blush in embarrassment. Seeing this made Nyxia raise her left eyebrow in amusement "there's a village near by that I'm staying at, how about I take you there and you can eat lunch with me and the rest of my group ?" Rin nods as she also wanted to stay with the woman who saved her longer until her Lord finds her. Nyxia picks her up with her free arm, making Rin wrap her arms around the dark fae's neck "hold on tight young one" Nyxia said and once she was sure Rin was holding onto her tight enough, she spreads her wings and takes off into the sky making Rin laugh in excitement. As Nyxia was getting closer to the village, she could see her group including Kagome back from her trip was standing outside of Kaiadis home. Nyxia lands in front of the group and sets Rin down on the ground, Kagome was surprised once she realized who the little girl was "Rin?!" She exclaimed in surprise. Rin looks to the group and smiles as she recognized them "Kagome! Everyone! Oh, Rin is so happy to see you all again" Rin said happily. "Well I see you all already know each other" Nyxia said confused and curious on how they all  knew her. Inuyasha looks to the dark fae woman and raised an eyebrow at her "what's my half brothers ward doing with you?" Once he asked her that, it cleared up any confusion she had on how they knew the girl. Since Inuyasha confirmed that Rin was his half brothers ward, she could already guess that was why they knew her. "A kappa was trying to drag her into the river, so I saved her and brought her here since she was hungry" the dark fae woman softly smiles seeing Rin happily talk away with Shippo. Inuyasha nods not questioning the woman anymore and Kagome and him glance at each other "Rin, how about we go in and I can make you something to eat ?" Kagome asked and Rin nods then she unexpectedly takes Nyxia's hand pulling her into the hut which made the older woman be careful with her wings. The group follows the two into the hut and Inuyasha was the last one to enter, he looks out to the horizon knowing for a fact since Rin was here that his half brother will be coming to look for her. Inuyasha sighs and moves the cloth for a door to the side with his left hand then enters the hut to join the rest of the group inside.

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