Chapter 22

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Lisa looks over the top of the display case at me, the tiny gap in her teeth showing through her sleepy smile. I am here to talk to her about Oliver, but... maybe I should let us both wake up a little first.

"You feeling better?" she asks, leaning casually on the counter.

"What?" I ask, before remembering how we last left things. "Oh, yeah. Much better. Actually my stitches came out this morning in the shower," I tell her, holding my hair back to show her the now-visible scar.

"Oh, cool. That must feel good."

"It kinda does. I definitely feel a little more normal... or as normal as I can with amnesia."

"Well then, come on around, maybe you can set up the display case for me. I've got to do some stuff in the back real quick." She motions me around the counter and shows me all the trays of various meats that need to be put out. As soon as she goes to the back, I get to work.

She didn't really give me any specific direction, so I decide to have some fun with it and arrange each tray of steaks into the shape of flowers, a burger patty at the center of each.

Pretty. I step back to inspect my handiwork as Lisa comes out of the back holding a tray of prewrapped orders labeled with each person's name.

"Roseanne, what the hell am I looking at?" she asks, motioning to my masterpiece.

"What? It looks good!"

"Yeah, but this isn't a bakery." She laughs, sliding the case open to make it all boring again, but before she can, a lady walks in through the door.

"Morning," Lisa says cheerily, popping up from behind the display.

"Hi, girls." She smiles at us both before inspecting the case. "Oh, what a cute display."

Lisa gives me that deadpan look, making me snicker.

"It was all Lisa. She's very creative," I tell the lady as I wink over my shoulder at Lisa, who rolls her eyes at me.

As soon as the lady walks out the door, Lisa reaches over and pinches my side, making me giggle and fold in half.

"See? She loved it," I tell her, stepping out of her reach.

"How about you just let me handle this part and you get on the register."

"Fine," I say with a sigh, but she doesn't touch the way I have the meat displayed.

After a quick tutorial on the cash register, which is a little different from the one at work, we fall into a comfortable rhythm as customers slowly trickle into the shop. Lisa takes orders and weighs and packages up the meat while I check people out.

About an hour after open, I pull my phone out of my back pocket, surprised to see eight unread texts from my mom.

Hey did you get there okay?


Are you there?

Text me so I know.



Roseanne, answer me.


I roll my eyes as I text back. Relax, Mom. Jeez. Yes, I'm fine.

It's not like much could've happened to me on the ten-minute drive here. I know she's worried, but I've been feeling fine. A little more space might be nice.

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