Warlord Meeting

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The room is loud and filled with the noise of many clashing voices. I sit in my seat quietly as I write down information in my notebook as quick as I can. Who am I you ask? My name is Hanako Aoki and I work as a Marine Assistant on the Marine base located in Marineford. It is my job to assist the Admirals and the current Fleet Admiral, Akainu. At the moment, I am currently sitting in on the Warlord meeting called by Fleet Admiral Akainu. In this meeting, I am trusted with taking notes on the meeting and other important information that is discussed. I am also here in case Akainu needs my assistance in any way.

I am sitting at the end of the long meeting table alongside Akainu. As the Warlords converse, Akainu glances down at me. "Are you writing down the information you recieve during this meeting?", he asks. "Yes sir." "Good. Make sure you get every piece of information down.", he responds. He then turns his attention back to the Warlords, making sure he is in charge of the meeting.

I pay close attention to the discussions at hand, writing down what's necessary.
Once I'm done writing momentarily, I look up from my notebook and look around the room at all the Warlords.
As I gaze around the room I notice the different demeanors and personalities of the Warlords. Mihawk is sitting quietly in his seat with his head down and his hands folded in his lap. His feet are propped up on the table. Doflamingo is sitting in his seat with a sinister grin like always. Gecko Moria is talking to Bartholomew Kuma who is just sitting there, seemingly emotionless.
Boa Hancock is glaring daggers at the other Warlords, clearly not wanting to be here. Crocodile is stoically smoking his cigar, while Law spins a pencil in his finger, not hiding that he is bored. Lastly, Blackbeard is laughing at Buggy who is seemingly sweating bullets due to being surrounded by the other Warlords.

I rest my head in my right hand, starting to get bored. Akainu notices me getting bored and turns to me before quietly but sternly saying, "Don't get too comfortable. This is a meeting with the Warlords, we have to keep our attention focused." "Yes sir...", I respond quietly. Alainu nods and turns back to the meeting.

As the meeting continues, the tension in the room remains high, as the Warlords continue to discuss various topics in their own ways. I set my pen and notebook down on the table momentarily until information that I need to write down arises. Akainu glances in my direction at this action but dosen't say any thing before he turns his attention back to the discussions at hand.

The Warlords seem to be discussing what up and coming pirates they should be watching out for. You perk up at the mention of one of the pirate crews that has been becoming more and more notorious, The Strawhats. Ever since their captain, Monkey D. Luffy raided Impel Down and showed up at the War on Marineford to save his brother, Portgas D. Ace, he has been becoming seemingly more and more of a threat.

As the mention of the Strawhats comes up, the room goes silent for a moment. Akainu turns his attention towards the discussion, his eyes narrowing before he takes charge of the conversation.
Mihawk, who was quietly sitting with his head down, glances up at the mention as well, his eyes narrowing slightly. Blackbeard, meanwhile, is paying close attention, a smirk appearing on his face. I pick my pen and paper back up off the table, ready to take notes again.

The room stays silent for a moment before Doflamingo chimes in, grinning widely. "The Strawhats? That crew has been causing quite a bit of trouble lately, haven't they?", he questions. Boa Hancock, with her arms crossed, adds her opinion. "They're a crew full of problems. Their captain especially." (That's funny coming from her, if I remember correctly, she tried protecting the Strawhats' captain in the war on Marineford.), I think to myself. Mihawk then speaks up saying, "Straw Hat Luffy has certainly made a name for himself, both for his strength and impulsiveness." Buggy, suddenly finding the courage to speak up, chimes in with his thoughts. "That guy's a pain in the neck." Crocodile, taking a puff of his cigar, chimes in as well. "The brat's a rising star for sure. And a reckless one at that."

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