Untitled Part 2

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Antarctica's Pov

I slowly woke up. Confused... where am I? No... what? I opened my eyes to see a blur. Three people. Talking, I believe, probably. All of them had flags... wait no. One human... brown hair? Strange. However they walked off and one of the countries looked at me

"Ah you're awake" he said smiling. His flag red and white. With a cross a white cross and a red background? 

"I am Denmark. You are?" He commented and I stood up. I saw the other country. The one I saved! 

"I am Antarctica." Suddenly I felt a pain in my back and I flinched.

"Well. Great to meet you Antarctica, you saved my son I believe. Luckily we just had a really good doctor heal you as best they could" he replied. 

"Your son...?" That guy I saved... he did look an awful lot like Denmark.

"I'm Greenland." He said blankly "prepare to meet my family" he sighed.

"Famil?-" I got cut off by someone falling down the stairs

"ICELAND!" Yelled someone upstairs. The Iceland guy stood up and looked at us. Waving intensely. 

"Thats my brother Iceland." Greenland sighed and grabbed a mug from Denmark. Iceland came to sit down on another couch next to Greenland.

Next thing I knew. Two guys came running down. Same weird cross but one was white and blue and the other was... yellow and blue! Each had a ring on their ring finger. Marriage? Maybe. Don't know.

"Thats Sweden and Finland. Finlands my brother's brother's brother. Our family is weird" Greenland said

"I can agree with that" someone said running up the stairs from the basement

"And that is Norway, my brother's brother." Greenland sighed.

"What... is this family dynamic..." I replied.

"Ah you want to know?" Said Denmark. "Well I shall tell you. Years ago I adopted Greenland and Iceland. Not knowing that Iceland had a twin, Norway. Norway just sorta moved in and so did his brother. Finland, Sweden also moved in like a family friend but he got married to Finland. Also there are the islands, Åland islands and Faroe islands. Both Finland's kids but one is my land. Make sense?" Denmark finished

"Sure..." I held onto my head and Greenland walked over to me

"Let me see." He said blankly

"No." I replied. He scoffed and I smirked

"Move your hand bitc-" he put down his drink and I gasped

"How dare you! I saved your life and this is how you repay me?" I said dramatically

"Dammit. Everyone we have another Greenland!" Iceland yelled and everyone gasped

"What the hell..." Greenland said and sat next to me and started to replace the bandages on my back.

"Where is my jacket?!" I yelled in a panic

"Right here. We managed to save your phone" Norway said calmly and I snatched my phone to text my sister.

"F-ck f-ck f-ck..." I panicked and Greenland tried to comfort me as texted Arctic

"Hey, hey whats wrong?" He said calmly.

"My sister... I forgot to text her!" Suddenly Norway's head shot at me.

"Arctic...?" He questioned "I am her therapist..." I glared at him and my eyes narrowed

"What." I looked away and calmed down. I tried to get up but felt the pain in my back and Greenland immediately put me back down

"Don't. You can't sit up properly yet. How do you expect to walk?" Greenland glared at me and I scoffed

"I don't wanna be here. I was supposed to leave this place yesterday." I said.

"Ah. Not your home country?" Iceland said

"Of course not." I glanced at him. "I am Antarctica." And Iceland nodded 

"Got it." He glanced back at his phone and left.

"Finland can you help me take Antarctica to the guest room?" Greenland asked

"Yeah sure bud." He nodded and lifted me up with ease

"WHAT THE FU-" I yelled put Greenland covered my mouth.

"My family has powers." He said calmly. I glanced back at him and slightly relaxed.

"Greenland has a book of our family members powers." Finland commented.

"I guess I will show you later." He said nervously. Finland walked into an empty room and placed me on the bed 

Authors note

Sorry it's so short! I recently got a kitten and she is literally touching my keyboard, chewing on my charger basically being very rude

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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