Crebain from Dunland

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A week had passed since Rue had last seen Uruvion, and the fellowships journey had taken her far from the woods of her homeland.

Currently the fellowship was resting amongst the ruins of the old elven country of Hollin. Gandalf was resting on a rock, smoking his pipe as Sam tended to a pan of sausages on the fire. Satisfied with their crispiness, Sam plated them and carried them over to Frodo.

Across the camp the clash of swords could be heard. "Two, one, five. Good, very good!" Boromir spoke, praising Pippin as they continued to spar.

Behind them Aragorn and Rue sat upon a boulder, Rue was playing with her teddy-bear while Aragorn smoked his pipe, observing Pippin's stance. Removing the pipe from his mouth for a moment, Aragorn gave Pippin some advice. "Move your feet."

Merry, waiting for his turn, encouraged his cousin. "looking good Pippin!"

To which he replied with a hearty. "Thanks!"

Boromir, pleased with the hobbits progress, decided to sped things up a little bit. "Faster."

Frodo and Sam just smiled from their spot on the rocks, while eating their luncheon.


Back over with Gandalf, Gimli was trying to persuade him to go a different route. "If anyone was to ask my opinion, which I know their not, I'd say we were taking the long way round! Gandalf, let us go through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome."

But Gandalf stayed firm in his decision. "No Gimli. I would not take the roads of Moria unless I had no other choice."

Meanwhile, Boromir was still practicing with Pippin, giving him a few words of encouragement. Their practice was going well until Boromir accidentally nicked Pippin's hand, causing him to drop his blade. "Oh, sorry!" Boromir exclaimed, worried he'd hurt the hobbit.

Pippin then retaliated by kicking him in the leg, before both hobbits tackled him to the ground, yelling their battle cries. "For The Shire!" The three of them laughing all the while.

Rue, eager to join in the fun, began climbing down off of the rock only to be stopped by Aragorn. "Oh no you don't. You little lady, are not allowed to be wrestling yet." Picking her up he deposited her back on the rock next to his sword.

Aragorn then strode over to the hobbits, and placed his hands upon their shoulders. "Gentlemen that's enough!"

Turning both hobbits grabbed Aragorn's legs and yanked them out from under him, causing him to hit the ground with a loud THUD. They then jumped on top of him, causing Rue to roll around laughing at the sight. "Merry! He's got my arm, he's got my arm!"

Soon Sam's voice brought their fun to a halt. "What is that?"

Gimli quickly dismissed it with a quick glance. "Nothing, its just a wiff of cloud."

Boromir on the other hand, was not so sure. "Its moving fast, against the wind."

Recognizing the threat Legolas shouted out a warning. "Crebain from Dunland!"

"HIDE!" Aragorn ordered, quickly running over and grabbing Rue and his sword.

The fellowship franticly grabbed and hid all signs of their campsite, before diving out of site. Rue clung tightly onto Aragorn's chest, too terrified to move. Memories of horrific screams and shouts flooding her mind. Aragorn, sensing her unease placed a hand on her hair, stroking it in an act of comfort.

Right after the last member had hid, the birds flew over the campsite, scanning for any sign of life. The fellowship seemed to hold their breath, awaiting discovery. When the danger had passed the fellowship emerged from their hiding spots, relieved that the birds were gone.

"Spies of Sauraman, the passage south is being watched." Thinking for a moment, Gandalf continued. "We must take the pass of Caradras."

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