Chapter 1: Doors

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In an underground Sanctuary a robot name Muthr has been two human girls Name Eva and Daria. The two humans girls was raised as sisters. Eva was always their for her little sister. She knows that her sister was Blind so she helps her walk around the Sanctuary.

But today was a special day for the two sister.
As today was Daria and Eva 5th and 6th birthday.
Muthr place a two happy birthday cakes, infront of the two girls. "Happy 5th and 6th birthday, Daria and Eva." The robot caretaker said Happily.
Daria had a smile on her face, even though she can't see her cake, she can smell it. "Know make a wish." Muthr told the girls.
Daria and Eva inhales deeply, and they both blows out their candles.
"And know for your guys present." Muthr said.
Daria smiles, and as he older sister gasped. As she said. "A birthday gift."
As Muthr placed two boxes onnthe table.
Eva looks at her younger sister and said. "You open your gift first Daria."
Daria smiles and taps her hand on the table as her and touches the bix and opens up the box and her eyes widened as she felt something soft.

"Daria smiles and taps her hand on the table as her and touches the bix and opens up the box and her eyes widened as she felt something soft

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"A cute kitten stuff animal. Her name is luna." Muthr said. Daria smiles and hugs her stuff animal.
"Thanks Muthr. Know Eva open yours." Daria told her older sister.
Eva quickly opens up her present. "What is it." Eva said.
"It's an Omnipod." Muthr said.
Daria was confused at this.
"Muthr what's an Omnipod." Daria said.
Then the Omnipod starts talking.
"Greetings say your name." A male voice said from the Omnipod.
"Your name." Eva said. Daria laughs at her sister.
"He means your name Eva." She said.
"Oh, he, he he. Eva." Eva said.
"Greetings Eva. I am a Dynastes Croportation Omnipod. But you can call me Omni" Omni told her.
"Asked me Anything." He told her. Eva thinks for a little bit, before gasping.
And grabs Daria hand.
"Hey Eva where are you taking me." Daria told her big sister.
To the door that can't open. As they tried to open it but can't.
Omni then told the two girls.
"You cannot exit Sanctuary 573 until you and Daria pass the Final Assessment test." Omni said.
"A test." The two sister said. As Muthr explained to them.
"You two are going to meet someone." Eva gasped
"We are going to meet a person." Daria said happy.

as the two follow Muthr as a hologram of a male Human came.
"Hello Eva, Daria. I am a Hologram of Cadmus Pryde." He said.
"Hello sir." Daria said, she wishes that she can see them.
"Hello to you to, Daria. And did I hear it's a very special day." He asked the two children.
"Yes, it's my 6th and Dari 5th birthday." Eva said Happily.
"Oh, that's wonderful. And do you want to know that I build the underground Sanctuary." Cadmus said.
Eva gasped as Daria asked. "Why."
Because earth was sick, and the humans disted to leave it along and live underground." He said. As he looks at Eva.
"And Eva since you are 6 you begin your teaching. Daria will learn when she turns 6 to. And after you both take the test. You can go up to the surface and meet your friends and Family." Cadmus said.
"Wooow." Both Eva and Daria said. Daria thinks as she can not wait to learn next
Eleven years later

As many years have past Daria was 16 years old. As Daria learns it was hard for her because she can't see.
But she didn't have other talents, she has amazing hearing.
But today is her 16 and Eva 17th birthday.
"Happy birthday Daria and Eva. The time flow right fast. Your both 16 and 17." Muthr told the two, before looking at Eva.
"And tomorrow you take the test, and go up to the surface." She said as Daria smiles for her big sister.
"Yes, and I gotta get ready." Eva said.
Daria knows that her sister is nervous.
"You seem anxious. Are you feeling anxious. Omnipod status." Muthr asked Eva Omnipod.
"Increased heart rate." He said, so Daria steps in.
"Muthr Eva is just exited for the test tomorrow." Daria said.
"Daria is right. I'm excited. I've been waiting a long time for this day." Eva said as she Hugs Muthr.
As she let's go and said. " I am finally going to meet friends, family, and other humans. And I can't wait for Daira to take the test next year." Eva said, before grabbing her little sister hand.
"Come on sis. Let's go get ready." Eva said.
"Don't go to fast sis." Daria said, as she was being taken away. But she have a huge smile on her face.

Later that night.
Muthr was sleeping and Daira and Eva were in their secret place for a hangout.
As Eva was talking to meego a stuf animal she has. Pretending to be talking to another human.
Daria knows that her sister is nervous.
"Hey big sis, you are going to be OK." Daira told her big sister, as she hugs Luna. The cat stuff animal that she gotten on her birthday
As Eva smiles at her and Eva then asked Omni.
"Hey Omni what happens if I don't past the test." Eva said him.
"I'm sure you won't fail. But if you do, protocol states to review your training from the beginning." Omni said.
" From the beginning. But I'dget to take the test again, right, Omni." Eva asked.
Daria have a concern look on her face.
"Of course you would. On your following birthday." Omni said.

"A year, A year. I can't wait another year." Eva said, as she was panicking.
"Eva calm down." Daria told her sister.
Then Daria heard a thud, as it echos.
Daira looks at the noise in confusion.
"Omni what on the other side of this" Eva asked.
"I'm sorry, Eva. I don't have information on restricted ares." He said.
"Restricted areas." Daria said in confusion.
This was the first time both she and Eva heard of this.
As Eva move stuff out of the away and hacks into the door.
As both Daira and Eva ignore Omni. Eva took Daira hands
"Wow." Eva said as she looks around the room and see desk with different names.
"What is it Eva." Daira asked.
"Desk with names. Sofia, Brighton, Hadley, Freya, Roshan." But Eva let's out a gasped.
"What did you found sis." Daira asked as she heard Eva gasped.
"Our names, on the last two desks." Eva said.
"You mean their are other kids." Daria said Happily.
"Yes, We are not alone. let's go look for them." Eva said, as she runs holding Daria hands. Making her drop Luna.
"Hello where are you." Eva yells out Happily.
"Brighton, Hadley, Roshon, Sofia." Daira calls out the other kids names.
"Please, where are you." Eva yells out as they stop running Daira told her sister.
"Eva, I hear something over their." Daira pointed Eva looks ro she the same door to the surface but it was open a little bit.
As Daira touches the door, she felt a paper. She grabs it, and hands it to her sister. Because she can't see.
"Eva can you look at this." She said.
Eva grabs it, and reads it.
"WondLa." Eva said.
"Wondla what's that." Daira said as she never hear that word before.
"I don't know." Eva said even Omni hasn't heard that word.
Eva flips the page around, she was Shocked.
"Daira theirs something writen on the back." Eva said.
"What does it say." Daira asked in wonder.
"It says Eva, Daria Find me." Eva told.
Daira was in shocked at that. "Is someone looking for us." Daira said.
But outside Eva saw something outside it was something flying. "What is Eva." Daria asked.
"I don't know, maybe it's other humans." Eva said.

Outside as an Alien hunter name Besteel
Was flying around on his vehicle looking something to hunt.
It was night time and he was using his light to see at night.
But he smelled something it was so sweet.
So he went towards where the smell was.

Inside underground Eva said that.
Daria was happy at that.
"It's coming this away." Eva said Happily.
But Daria frowns as she heard something large.
"Something is wrong." Daria told her sister.
As both her and Daria was sent back on the ground.

"We got to go." Eva said as she puts her little sister in the front.
As they went back were they came from. Eve closed the door.
Daria was shaking as Eva was panting.
"Daria, Eva." Muthr said.
As she saw the two girls came out of that Area.
"Muthr." Daria said as she was scared.
But then she heard thuding.
"What's going on." Muthr asked.
"Theirs something else's in their." Eva said and that is when they all started running.
"Go to the surface, hurry. Eva watch over your sister." Muthr as she tried to fight off the intruder.

I am going to to skip where she and Eva escape

Daria was running with Eva right behind.
But the fell and everything went dark.

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