Chapter 3: Bargain and meeting Besteel again

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It was almost first light, and as they made it Lucus. As Eva said. "It's so beautiful." Daira frowns  As Kitt got Muthr, Eva and Daria in clothes so No one will know that they are human.

As they got their Otto went in the water. And Daria told the others. "How about I stay here with him. To keep him out of trouble." Muthr looks at Daria concern.
"Are you sure, dear?" Muthr asked in her mother tone.
Daria had a fake smile on her face. "Yes, I am sure." She said.
Eva smiled at her little sister and said. "Ok, we will come and get you when we found something." Kitt looks at her, knowing that she was lying, but he just leaves Daria.
And with that, the three walks away.
As Daria hear that they are far away from them.
She frowns as she hugs Luna close to her.
Otto looks at her with a sad look on his face.
"You Ok, Daria." Otto asked from his mind.
"I'm OK, Otto. I just need to be alone." Daira said as she was a stick that Kitt gave to her. So she can walk because of her sprain ankle.
Daria walks toward a small area where there are no people around her.
Or what she thought their was no people.
She took the hat off her head, letting the wind blow her hair.
She begins to sing her favorite song from a movie that she and Eve watch.
Even though Daira can't see it, she loves to listen to it.

"Every night, I lie in bed. The brightest colors fill my head, and a million dreams are keeping awake.
I think of what the world could be.
A vision of the one I see, a million dreams is all it's gonna take." Daria sings in a beautiful tone, as she has tears in her eyes.
But then Besteel came from behind her and sings the last part.
Daria was shocked by this.

"A million dreams for the world for the world were gonna make." Besteel sings the final lyrics to the song.
Daria was shocked as she heard Besteel singing the song and knowing the lyrics.
"Besteel." Daira said in shock, but also embarrassed that he heard her sing.
"Hello again, Daria." Besteel said with a smile, but he frown as he saw tears in her eyes.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying." He said as he got close to her.
"It's nothing, so what are you doing hunting us." Daira said.
"No, I just want to talk to you." Besteel said as he sat down on a rock.
"Ok." Daira said as she used her hands to find a big branch to sit down.
" I want to tell you that you are a beautiful thing I have ever seen." Besteel said.
Daira smiles at that. "Really, well, I don't think so. Because I can't see." She said.
That made Besteel frown at that. "You don't have to look at yourself to see that you are beautiful." He said.
Then he said. "Is that why you are crying."
Daira had tears in her eyes. "Because I don't think I am useful. Because I can't see anything. And I know I wasn't going to pass the test back at Sanctuary because I can't do most of the stuff. Because of my blindness." Daria said, as she started crying.
Besteel went torwards her and hugged her.
"You are not useful. You are a great person. You are beautiful and a great singer." He said, as he used his third hand claw and wips off her tears.
"Thanks, Besteel." Daira said as she stopped crying.
"I have something to talk to you about." He said as he sat back down.
"Ok, what do you want to talk about." She said as she hugged Luna.
"Theirs some people that wants to meet you, in Solas. Queen Ojo, Loroc, and Zin want to meet you." Besteel told, that made Daira shocked.
"Me, they want to meet me." She said in shock.
"Yes, do you want to meet them." Besteel said with a smile.
"I don't know. I don't want to be separated from my sister and Muthr." Daira said, nervous.
"Just think about it, and when you change your mind, come to me." Besteel said, Daria nodded her head. Before Besteel left, he placed a small kiss on Daira cheek. And left, Daria cheeks started turning red at this.


Daira was walking with Rovender, Muthr, and Eva.
She was quiet as Muthr and Eva argued. Because Eva betted on Muthr.
"Ummm, Rovender, do you know a place to stay at for the night." Daria asked.
Rovender sighs and says, "I know a place." And they walk torwards a house.
Rovender knocks on the door, and Female opens the door.
She gasped happily and said. "Rovender. Fiscian, come and see who's here."
"One second, Darling." A male voice called out.
Rovender laughs, and Daria smiles at him. This was the first time since she met him. Heard him laughing.
"Hostia, it's been." Rovender said, but Hostia finshes for him. "To Long. Come in." She said as she welcomed them in.
"Thank you." Rovender said. As for walks in.
"I can hardly believe my eyes." Hostia said as she closed the door once everyone was in.
"I'm sorry to just show up like this." Rovender said.
"Ugh, please. Next time you come here first thing. How are you." Hostia asked. Daria was holding Eva hands as she led her.
As soon they meet Rovender brother and necie and nephew.
And the children were fighting something that Rovender had given them.
But the girl Maegdan bumps into Eva, and she bumps into Daria. And their hats fall.
Everyone eyes widened at this. And Eva interacted herself.
"I'm Eva, and this is my little sister Daria from Sanctuary 573." Eva said.
Daria just smiles at them.

Soon, it was dinner time, and Eva helped Daria to eat.
Rovender family were shocked that Daria was Blind.
And then Rovender nephew then asked Eva and Daria. "Do you have ten toes." He said.
"Huh." Daria and Eva said.
And then Maegdan then said. "Darius says that humans have ten." But their mother, Hostia, stops them.
"Stops asking them questions, kids. And eat."
And Fiscian then said. "Ten toes, 100 toes, 1,000 toes. Who cares." He laughs before asking Daria and Eva. "Do you have ten toes." Daria laughs at him. Dinner was great, but Daria couldn't stop thinking about Besteel.

So it was bedtime Daria the children alow her and Eva to sleep in their room.
But the Maegdan asked them. "Can I see your toes." And her brother said. "Yeah, can we." Daria smiled and took her shoes off,So did Eva.
"Wow," the two siblings said in awe.
"Their so Wiggly." Maegdan said. And her brother asked them. "Can I count them."
"Sure you can." Daria said. "Uh, of course. Yes, yes, yes. Make sure they're all there." Eva said. As he started counting them. Eva looks at Maegdan.
"Maegdan, where did you learn about humans. You said a name earlier. " She asked her, Daria was curious to.
"You mean Darius." Her brother said as he stopped counting toes.
"Zoozi." Maegdan scowls at her brother.
"Oh, yeah. We're not allowed to talk about her." Zoozi said.
"Why." Daria asked.
"Mommy says she tells too many stories." Zoozi said as he went back to counting Daria toes.
"Who is she." Eva said. Daria heard Meaghan walk torwards a window and Eva.
"9, 10. They're all here." Zoozi said as he finished counting Daria toes.
"Thanks for counting them." Daria asked the little brother.
And Daria, listen to what Maegdan told Eva.
"The Arsian sage. She lives up there in the house. She was the royal poet and soothsayer. But that was long ago. Now she tells stories to the kids, and dreams of humans, scary things hurting this planet. But we're not supposed to talk about her."

Daria have Maegdan and Zoozi laying down next to her as they use their heads on her lap like pillows.
Daria smiles at her sister as she covered them both up in a blanket.
Eva then whispered to Omni.
"Omni, deactivate location tracking."
Daria looks at her sister, wondering what she was doing. "Deactivated." Omni said.
"Eva, where are you going." She asked her older sister.
"I am going to see Darius. I want answers. I will be right back. So stay here." Eva said as she climbed from the window.
Daria so waited for sister to come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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