Chapter 2: Lifeforms

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It was morning as Daria and Eva were knocked out.
As Eva was the first one up, she was Shocked on what they are on. And in the air
"Sis wake up." Eva said. Daria grans and as she wakes up.
"Eva what happening." Daria said.
"I don't know but we have to get out of her." Eva said. As Daria fells off the
Plant but even she can't she can feel it and it was walking.
And she heard whales sounds up in the sky.
"What." Daria said in confusion.

Later As they meet a being that was not human.
As this being saw Daria as he can see that she was Blind. His eyes soften.
But as Eva keeps on talking, but he spoken in a unknown language that Daria have not heard before.
Daria learn almost all the leagues in the world.
"Shee-nah." He said, as Daria heard something.

Besteel Was flying around trying to look for the two humans from that underground place. But he still wants to now which one was making that sweet smell.
But he sniffs again as he smells that sweet scent again.
So he follows the scent

"Shee-nah that's your name. It's beautiful." Eva told the alien.
"Eva be quiet something is coming." Daria said.
As a the creature from before was flying on his vehicle.
The alien that was with them said something in his language.
But Daria did heard said something.

As Besteel landed right in front of the three, he looks at the two humans and founded the sweet scent that came from one of the humans

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As Besteel landed right in front of the three, he looks at the two humans and founded the sweet scent that came from one of the humans.
But he was shocked on what he have saw.
A beautiful blind human.

"Run." Eva said as she grabs Daria hands as the three runs Daria trips over a rock. Making her fall down a hill but she hits her head.
Daira had pain came across her face, as the back of her head was bleeding.
"Daira." She heard Eva yells out her name. Before she closes her eyes

It was getting dark soon, as Besteel was at his camp.
He have Eva, and Shee-nah tied up and hanging upside in the tree.
Besteel sits down near the fire that he made, as he has Daria on his lap as she was not tied up.
Her head was banged up, and her right ankle was banged to. Because she sprang it.
Besteel looks down at Daira with a smile on his face.
Daria groans as she sleeps and rubs her head against his fury leg.
On of besteel for arms pats her on head.

As he gets up again to check his captives again before eating.
Eva groans and opens up her eyes and to see that she is tied and upside-down.
"Ha, ha, ha." Besteel laughs at her, as he checks on her tied wrists.
Eva gasped and swings in hands out of his grasp.
Besteel walks over to the trapped animal checking at the rope he was tied in.
The creature whimpers, and Besteel hmms to himself. "Mm-hmm." As he walks back to fire. As he puts his weapon down sat down puts Daria head on his lap again.
Eva gasped as she saw her little sister.

Besteel grabs the stick of meat looking hungry. He smiles at he sniffs his food. He frowns and took out a salt shaker and puts some salt on it.
He smiles as he took a bite out of the meat. Happily chewing onnthe meat.

Eva knows that she needed to escape and get Daria out of here. She turned to Shee-nah and wakes him up.
"Hey, psst. Wake up." She said bumping him.
Shee-nah wakes up and looks at her annoyed.
"Okay, I have been in 27 different survival situations---- Well, survival simulations, but I can get us out of here." Eva said, as Shee-nah was looking at her.
Eva reached up and grab her small Lazer stick with her tied wrists and as she did her legs she fell to the ground losing her Lazer near a hole.
As she went to grab it. A terrified spider legs grab it.
Eva gasped at this, but stops and looks at Besteel.
But he was still eating.
Eva sighs in realife Shee-nah points his head to his bag and Eva saw their was a knife their.
"Right, okay. On it." Eva whispered and she quietly walks towards it.

As she gets their behind a creat.
As she grabs the knife but she knocks down the bag and also her stuff raccoon meego and Daria stuff cat Luna.
Eva hids as besteel turned to look were the noise came from.

Meego said. "Today you'll accomplish great things."
"Hmmmm." Daira moans as she was going to wake up soon.
Besteel gets up after setting Daira head down careful.
And went over and grabs Meego and Luna, curious. "I am so proud of you." Meego told Besteel. "Hmm." Besteel hmms.
He taps meego and he said. "Let's all shout "hooray." Besteel chuckles at this and Taps meego again. "Everything is wonderful."

And besteel taps meego again. "You're getting stronger every day." Meego said.
Besteel laughs again as he then looks at Luna.
But he hears something he turns to the fire and saw that Daria was waking up.
Daria white eyes opens and get let's out a groan as she was in pain.
So Besteel went torwards her.
"Ow, what happened. Eva were are you." Daria asked as she looks around scared.
Besteel sits down next to her.
"Who's that." Daria said scared.
Besteel knows that she is scared, and he heard her tummy grumbles.
Saying that she is hungry, so Besteel cuts up a peace of meat for Daria and sprinkled some salt on it.
And handed to Daria the meat, Daria smells the meat.
Her stomach growls, so she grabs that meat and eats it.
"Thank you." Daira told Besteel. As she eats the meat.
Besteel smiles at Daria and he gives her Luna.
As Luna felt the familiar touch, Daria smiles and hugs Luna to her tightly.

As Besteel was about to talk to her, the creature he had captured escaped.
He huffs and ran off after it.

After Eva, Daria, the creature and Shee-nah escaped.
As the creature name Otto who can talk to the human girls in their hands.
As Eva tried to fix Muthr.

Shee-nah give Daria a strange gum.
"Thanks" she said as she tried it.
"Yuck." Daria said, as she spits it out.
As Shee-nah told her as She understands him. "I know it tastes Terrible." He said.
"Woah, I can understand you Shee-nah." Daira said in shocked. But then Muthr attack him.
"Muthr stop, he's a friend." Eva told her.
"Eva, Daria where are we. It is against my programming ro be out of Sanctuary." Muthr asked the two humans.
"I don't know." Daria said, in shame that she is not useful. Because of her blindness.
"Have you both found other humans." Muthr asked.

Eva sighs and told Muthr. "No... we haven't."
But Daria remember what happened at Muthr.
"Muthr at the Sanctuary you said that you were going to tell us. About the other kids." Daria said.
Muthr sighs as she told Daria as Eva Shee-nah.
"You guys where to be raised by 5 other children but something happened and it was just you and Eva so I rasied you and protect you." Muthr explained to Daria.
Daria smiles at Muthr as she holds onto Luna
As everything else happened.

"My name is Rovender Kitt." The alien told his name to Daria. The blind human smiles at him.
"And Muthr this is an Alien planet. We are not on earth." Eva told Muthr, Daria was wondering what's going on.
"Not Earth. Are you certain." Muthr said.
"You guys, I think this is earth. But I think something is going on." Daira said. Even she can't see, she knows that they are on their planet.
"Your sister is right, Eva we are on earth." Muthr told Eva.
"So if this is Earth, what happened." Eva said.
That was what Daria is wondering.

But she want ro know why did Besteel not tied her up and banged her wounds.

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