6 - The Other Side

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[A/N: this chapter follows events of the previous three chapters from Rowan's point of view. I do not recommend skipping it as it contains some details that may be relevant later and/or give more insight into his character. Happy reading!]

Rowan barged into the Carrington family's library, his mind a whirlwind of panic. "Where is she? Is she okay?" he demanded.

Oliver looked up from the documents he was reading. "Oh, hello Rowan," he greeted casually. "Are you asking about my sister? She's resting in her room right now."

"Yes, obviously I mean Elizabeth. Who else would I be talking about?" Rowan snapped, his voice a mix of irritation and urgency. He quickly made his way to Oliver's desk. "You failed to answer whether she is okay," he added worriedly.

"Yes, my apologies. She is mostly fine. The only real issue is that she appears to be experiencing some amnesia. It's so bad that she didn't even recognize me, and I've known her since she was born," Oliver answered sadly. "Things do not bode well for you. After all, brother trumps fiancé any day."

"As long as she is okay, that's what matters to me," Rowan said with relief. "We're still engaged, anyway. The accident changes nothing."

"Yes, of course. And I could not ask for a better partner for my sister. But I do worry how she will cope with the stress of it all. At least before, she actually knew you. You're practically strangers now."

Thanks for the grim reminder, asshole, Rowan thought. Just as he was about to ask for more details about the accident, the door to the library opened. Shit, I have to hide! No one is supposed to know I'm here. Rowan spotted a dimly lit corner near Oliver's desk where he could attempt to hide behind a pilaster. I suppose that will have to work.

"Hello Brother," a young woman greeted Oliver in a slightly annoyed tone.

Liz? What is she doing here? Oliver said she was resting. Rowan shifted slightly to get a better view, curiosity causing him to lose focus on staying completely hidden.

Oliver, who had managed to make it look like he had been working the whole time, looked up from the documents on his desk and smiled. "Hello Liz. What brings you by?"

Rowan noticed the letter crumpled in Elizabeth's hand. I imagine it must have something to do with its contents. Is it the one from Mikhail? Did he write something stupid? I wouldn't put it past him to be an idiot.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I probably should have mentioned that your fiancé is Crown Prince Rowan, huh? My bad," Oliver laughed nervously.

He forgot to mention what? That is a pretty big thing to not tell someone who has just lost all her memories. Typical Oliver, dropping the ball so majorly like that. Rowan rolled his eyes. He respected Oliver's intelligence in academics and state affairs, but he certainly didn't envy Oliver's general airheadedness in most other areas.

"Oh, yeah. Your bad. Seriously dude. What would have happened if I hadn't found out before I had to interact with him?" Elizabeth sounded furious.

"Dude?" Oliver questioned, puzzled.

"That's not even close to being the most important part of what I just said!" Elizabeth snapped.

I thought that was a little strange too, but really, she has no reason to worry. Of course I would have been made aware of her memory issues. I would never hold something like that against her.

"Well, I don't know. I've always thought you've done things just fine by being yourself," Oliver answered as if he and Rowan were sharing a brain cell. Rowan nodded to himself in agreement.

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