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"Min, can we talk?" I said.

Minjeong merely nodded and looked at me. We were in her room, and for the past week, I'd sensed a growing distance between us.

Although she spoke to me, it felt as though she was trying to keep her distance.

That shift in our dynamic had been after I told her my feelings. I would be understanding if she was taken aback, but it genuinely pained me in a way as she distanced herself slowly from me.

Biting my lower lip, I tried to gather up my courage. "You've been acting weird these days. I can just tell you're pushing me away, no need to explain," I said to those eyes.

She nodded her head down and exhaled.

"I would understand if you don't feel the same way. You can tell me that," I said, cracking my voice.

"It's not like that," she mumbled.

"Then what is it?" I said and welled up in the eyes. "Just tell me if you can't reciprocate my feelings. I know, Minjeong. I'm not going to force you," I said, wiping away the tears as they began to flow down my cheeks. I felt her sit down beside me.

"I'm sorry if I'm keeping my distance. I. just don't know how to react," she said in a murmur.

I just listened to it in silence.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just thought that it might be better if I. distanced myself from you," she added, biting her lower lip. "I just made it worse."

I got up and looked at her. "It's fine. You don't need to apologize. We are just roommates," I said and turned to leave her room.

I felt my heart was breaking into pieces.

Then I felt her hands on my arms. "Let's fix this, please?" she mumbled, her voice shaking.

Was there still something to fix?

I slowly nodded and sat down on the edge of her bed. The silence between them made me feel heavy and kind of uncomfortable.

"I'm... trying to figure it out," she said after a few minutes of silence.

I furrowed my brow and glanced at her.

"Don't get me wrong, okay? I'm not saying this because I pity you, I'm not," I nodded, giving her the time to talk. "I'm still trying to figure out my feelings," she added. "Just your presence is making me happy, making me feel safe and secure."

My heart raced abnormally.

"You make me enjoy the little things. You make me comfortable in literally every way possible. Your presence makes my head feel like it's in cloud nine every time you laugh, every time you smile at me. Every time you look at me with those eyes, my heart is racing wildly," she rambled.

Did she just confess?

I stood there without being able to process anything. My mind went blank.

"I'm still trying to figure it out," she answered, her voice full of curiosity. In her eyes were strange emotions.

"You are... serious about it, right?"

A nod in affirmation. "I am. I feel all of these things when you are around," she locked eyes with mine.

I softly hugged her, with tears of joy in mine eyes, and I could feel her holding me back.

"I'll wait," I whispered in her ear, not wanting to let her go.

"Thank you," she said.

A little while later, we agreed to take a casual walk in the park. Hand in hand, we walked on the path, under the sweetly twinkling stars, with the moon shining so bright.

"Want to take a break?" I offered.

She looked at me. "Let's sit down on the bench. I heard there will be fireworks later," she said.

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded, "Ryu and Yizhuo told me. They even asked if I planned to watch the fireworks."

I laughed, knowing her answer.

"They might have seen you here," I commented.

"It's fine. It was a spontaneous plan anyway," she said, shrugging.

I smiled, laid my head on her shoulder, and sat. We were there just to people-watch. Though it was still a bit early, the park was already buzzing with life.

"Street food? Feel like it?"

I turned to her, incredulous. "As if you have to ask!"

She stood and tugged at my wrist. "Come on then. My treat."

"Okay then. Let's go," I laughed, letting her drag me after her.

I let her decide what we would eat.

"Do you eat betamax?" she asked, to which I nodded, so she picked up five pieces. "What about pig intestine?" she inquired, and I chuckled at this.

"I'm eating all those, Min," I said.

She exhaled and then turned to me. "I just feel like asking you. I wasn't sure if you liked them or not," she said, furrowing her forehead. "And I didn't know if you had any allergies, so it was better to ask," she added, and I smiled.

"I'm not allergic. I don't have any food allergies," I reassured her.

"Really? That's good to know," she said, smiling at me.

As we sat on the bench to enjoy our street food, the old lady selling the food said, "Your girlfriend is so sweet," which drew an awkward laughter on my part.

I looked over at Min, who was really cool about it, shrugged it off, and let the moment not turn awkward.

Min and I decided to consume our street food on the same bench where we sat a while ago. We bought some water and back to the bench we went.

"You? Do you have allergies?" I asked.

She stopped munching. She looked at me. "I'm allergic to pineapples and seafood," she said.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yup. Though, I'm hard-headed sometimes," she laughed. "I sometimes eat seafood," she added.

"You're unbelievable," I said, and she giggled at that.

After eating our street food, we took a walk then headed straight home. We couldn't wait for the fireworks, anyway-the next day was a school day, and I remembered how easily Min got drained.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked as we walked back to the dorm.

She nodded. "I really had a great time. Thank you," she said.

"No, thank you for making me so happy today," I replied.

"It's my way of making it up to you for distancing myself," she said. "And I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"It's because I'm with you," I stated.

She chuckled, "You're so corny."

I glared at her and rolled my eyes, and this time, she did laugh. I looked at her laughing.

Damn, I love everything about her. She is so beautiful.

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