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"We'll be on our way," Yeji said softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had enveloped our dormitory after hours of togetherness.

"Take care," I said, my words laced with longing as much as affection as I walked them to the door. I watched them get into a waiting car; my hand was on the doorknob, finally closing the door against the outside world.

I turned with a sigh and made my way into the room of Minjeong, who was sleeping serenely, to find her in that state.

Her peaceful face warmed my heart, and I could not refrain from telling her all I ever would care for. I crept closer to her, tucked the blanket that lay over her like it should, and bent down to place a tender kiss on her forehead.

I returned to the living room to find myself alone, without anything to do. It was only 11 o'clock, and the whole day lay in front of me, with no plans or duties. I wanted to fill up that void, so I set out to clean our common area.

I wandered around the dormitory, humming some song to myself, definitely feeling satisfied with cleaning up.

My first target was the living room. I dusted and polished till everything shone, putting this area we had shared so many memories in back in order.

Quite proud of myself, I headed into my own room to strip the bed sheets and put on new ones, wanting to make a haven where we could retire later. I found myself scrubbing dishes in the dining area.

Caught up in scrubbing and rinsing, I was startled by a pair of arms-so familiar-around my waist. I then turned to find Minjeong, her eyes slightly groggy with sleep, buried in my arms for comfort.

"Hey, did I wake you up?" I asked, concern lacing my words. I had vacuumed earlier, hoping to gently rouse her from her slumber.

To this, she said absolutely nothing-the kind of silence that spoke volumes. I just let her be. Her mind was still sailing in dreamland. I went on to finish up exactly as she murmured something under her breath.

"They left?" she whispered.

"Yes, they just left a few minutes ago," I reassured her as I nodded. It was just the two of us now, and that knowledge set off a wave of contentment.

It was as if finding comfort in the touch of skin when Minjeong pressed her fluffy cheeks against mine; it was sweet and moved me a little. I chuckled lightly at these quirky ways she had of seeking comfort from our bond.

It was some very minor action that returned her to the present, fixing her with me in reality.

I gently brushed some hair out of her face. My fingers lingered to her cheek.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, my voice filling with tenderness.

"Nope, still full," she whispered back, her voice so low it was as if she were still sleeping and yet not.

My task complete, I dried my hands on a cloth lying nearby and turned to face Minjeong. Her disheveled appearance only made her all the more enchanting, as if she had just woken up from a dream. I couldn't help but admire her, captivated by her beauty in its purest form.

"Still early; you can go back to sleep, if you want," I whispered again, my words tinged with subtle longing.

"Let's just stay like this," she said in a voice, though low, full of quiet resolve.

I nodded in agreement, my arms instinctively circling her waist and drawing her close to me.

We walked into the lounge to seek comfort in surroundings.

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