Draco and Harry

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Dracos POV
Draco stared at his phone in disbelief as he asked himself why he would agree to meet up when he was too shy to speak to Harry just the day before. He groaned and got up staring at himself in the mirror for a brief second before making his way to his closet. By the time Draco had an outfit picked out his bed was filled with clothes, he checked the time and noted that he should start making his way to the school where he agreed to meet Harry, he quickly put on his shoes and grabbed his bag and keys before walking out the door locking it behind him.

10 minutes later Draco arrived at the school and waited in the parking lot. It was only about 2 minutes until Harry pulled up and parked beside Draco.

Harrys POV
Harry pulled up beside Draco and unlocked the door for him to climb in, "Hey you" he said with a friendly smile, Draco blushed a soft pink and looked down, "Hi" he whispered shyly, Harry chuckled and put the car into drive, "You're too cute I hope you know that", Draco let out a nervous squeak and turned his head away.

At Harrys house

Harry pulled into the garage and turned his car off before stepping out and walking to Draco's side to open the door for him, the faint blush was still on Draco's cheeks as he got out, Draco looked down shyly once he noticed the drastic height and size difference between them, "you're so tiny" Harry gushed, Draco looked up with a playful glare, "Nuh-uh, you're just freakishly big", Harry smirked and arched his brow, it took Draco a second to understand and once he did he blushed a deep red this time and looked down quickly, Harry laughed out loud before leading Draco inside.

Harry gave Draco a quick tour before they went to his room. Once in his room he put his keys down and sat at the end of his bed, "sit, unless you prefer to stand the whole time" Harry said sarcastically, Draco sat beside Harry and watched as he prepared his bong, "You want a hit?", Draco shrugged "sure". After they were both stoned Harry grabbed his phone to order him and Draco some food," What would you like to eat?", Draco thought for a minute before ultimately shrugging, "I'm okay with anything", Harry smiled and scrolled through their options, he ended up picking Mcdonalds, after choosing what he wanted he handed Draco his phone, "choose what you'd like. Also, I thought we could snack out and watch movies, you can stay the night if you're comfortable and want to", Draco handed Harry back his phone after picking out what he wanted, "that sounds good to me, I would stay the night but I didn't bring anything to do so", Harry shrugged, "you can borrow something of mine for the night if you're comfortable with that and if so you can either stay in here with me or I have a spare room down the hall", Draco blushed at both the thought of wearing Harry's clothes and sharing a bed with him but he was not opposed to the idea of it, "yeah I'm okay with that", Harry smiled and checked when the order would be arriving, noting that there was still 15 minutes, "Alrighty, and would you like to stay in here with me or the spare room?", Draco shrugged shyly causing Harry to chuckle, "you can decide while walk to the convenience store right behind my house", Draco nodded and got up.

Once returning from the store with snacks and a few drinks, Harry hands Draco his phone while he puts everything away for late, "Check how much longer it'll be until the food arrives, the password is 33764", Draco stalls for a second as he has never met someone who trusts someone else with their phones, deciding not to think too hard on it he unlocks Harry's phone and checks on their food, "it'll be here in 4 minutes", He says and hands Harry back his phone once he finishes putting their snacks away, "alright, you can go wait in my room if you'd like, my TV remote is on the bedside table closest to the window, you can pick anything you want to watch", Draco nods and heads up to Harry's room.

7 minutes later Harry enters his room with their food and sets it down on the bedside table. "I'm overheating so if you're comfortable with it I'm just going to chill shirtless, if you're not I can find a muscle shirt", Harry watches as Draco turns a beautiful shade of red and looks away. "It's fine, I don't mind", Harry smirks and removes his shirt before sitting beside Draco and grabbing the food. Halfway through the movie, Harry remembers that he had asked Draco a question earlier and decides to ask him again, "I forgot, where will you be sleeping tonight? Here or the guest room?" Draco looks over at Harry and blushes slightly "I'm okay with sleeping in here, if that's alright, I don't like being alone in new places", Harry smiles, "Well, in that case, we are going to have to switch sides because that is my side", Draco pulls a cute pouting face, "But I'm already so cozy here", Harry tuts and shakes his head, "As cute as you are, I think you can make yourself equally as comfortable in this spot, besides you need to get up to change", Draco gives Harry puppy dog eyes and tilts his head, Harry chuckles in amusement and stands up to grab a shirt from his dresser, "This is slightly big on me so it should be comfortable for you to sleep in, now I don't think I have any trousers that will fit you but I can check", Draco shrugs, "That shirt will be like a nightgown on me so I don't mind just wearing that", Harry smiles, "alrighty, well I'm going to bring the garbage to the kitchen and grab our snacks, you canget changed while I do so", Draco nods and Harry leaves the room with their trash.

The rest of the night was spent eating snacks, watching movies, and getting high. Draco ended up falling asleep in the middle of their fourth movie, so Harry just turned off his TV and scrolled through his phone before he too fell asleep.

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