013. ─── let you go

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EPISODE EIGHT:unsaid emily !

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unsaid emily !

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

THE DOOR WAS ALREADY OPEN, BUT KAT STILL LIGHTLY KNOCKED ON JULIE'S DOOR ANYWAY. Julie looked up from the notebook she was drawing in and sent Kat a smile, but Kat didn't have anything in her to return it. She stepped into Julie's room and placed herself down on the bed beside her best friend.

"I take it Reggie told you about their unfinished business," Julie guessed at Kat's crestfallen face.

Kat sniffled and leaned her head against Julie's shoulder. "I don't see why this has to happen to us, Jules."

Julie rested her head against Kat's for a moment. "I don't either, Katie."

Kat's eyes then focused on what Julie was busy with in her notebook and saw she was drawing a volcano erupting. "I like that. It's cool."

Julie chuckled softly. "Thank you, Kat."

At that moment, another knock came from the door. Both Kat and Julie looked up to see Flynn walk into Julie's room.

"Hey. I got your text," Flynn greeted, standing in front of the two girls at the end of Julie's bed.

"Don't come too close. Anyone I seem to care about disappears," Julie remarked.

"Yeah, you're telling me," Kat muttered in agreement.

"Neither of you can get rid of me," Flynn declared. "I'm like the crazy glue of best friends."

"I just don't get it," Julie sighed. "Right when our lives start to get good. Great friends, great band, great guys, and then, bam!" Julie held up her drawing for Flynn to see.

"I seriously don't know why all this is happening to you two, but that's gonna be a great album cover one day," Flynn said.

Kat finally lifted her head from Julie's shoulder as Flynn crouched down by Julie's mom's trunk on the floor and began to fold the vest Julie wore the other night when they sang Finally Free.

Julie shook her head. "You don't have to do that."

"I know, but I get to check out all your mom's cool stuff," Flynn replied. "Woah." She then pulled out a t-shirt she found and held it up. "Did you know this was in here?"

Kat's eyes widened as her gaze landed on the shirt. Flynn was holding a white t-shirt that had the Sunset Curve logo with jewels surrounding it.

"Holy sh─"

Julie scoffed. "What the heck?"

"How do you think she got it?" Flynn questioned.

"I ─ I don't know, but the guys said they didn't know my mom," Julie reminded them. "Why would they lie?"

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