Midnight and the wolf pack

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The day was bright and hot and it was said to rain today.But it didn't look like so far.Chase and Skye just had a litter of pups,2 girl and 1 boy.Sophia and Jordan had litters as well.There were so many pups that Ryder had created a new building.It was across town,some miles from Farmer Yumi's.The Lookout was lighter and cleaner than it had been in years.The origanal members(Chase,Skye,Zuma,Marshall,Amar,Rocky,Rubble,Everest,Sparky,Hunter,Sophia and Buddy)stayed.Goldie moved to the new tower where Sammy was,since the Night Patrol left but was called on for missions and visited.The ones at the new tower are Goldie,Golden,Dylan,Honey,Speckles,Brittney,Minty,Hip,Betty,Crane and Jordan.They're called Heroic Hounds.The rest live in proper homes.Ginger is Sammy's dog now,but mostly visits her pups with Hurricane.Midnight's learned his lesson about messing with strange wolves.Only if someone's in danger.(My OC,Sierra Mist is in here as Midnight's best friend.Her own story got deleted due to difficulties.)

"Sorry Mist."said Midnight."I gotta pick Pebble and Bullet Jr. from the vet."

"It's OK."Sierra said.

"And I know you live in a box."

Back from vet...

"Mom!Daddy!I'm going over to Herioc Hounds to visit Dotty!"Halo called to her parents.She finally was old enough venture on her own.Picking up her mini bag,she bounced out the door.On her way,she swore she heard whispering.She walked near the forest's edge.

"That Shadow's kid ya dummy."a whisper said.

"But isn't she your cousin?"another said.

"I dunno."said the whisper."Let's just attack her."Halo broke into a run.Too late.)-:

"Where you going prissy?"One wolf snarled.He was grey with a black under belly from his tail to forehed.

"I just want to visit my friend."Halo whimpered.The wolves were cubs like her,but stronger.

"Is your friend wimpy too,"a black wolf said."or just retarted?"

"Don't talk about my friend."Halo snapped.

"She's fiesty."the first wolf said."Let's go."He bit her shoulder,his teeth sunk into her fur as she cried for help.The black wolf nipped at her feet,telling the other one to lead the way.Her white fur on her shoulder bled like crazy cakes.(I'm banned from sweet stuff until my b-day.)

At the Pup Park...

"You girls sure have energy."Midnight laughed as he watched Skylar and Skyla,Chase's twin girls run around.

"No."Skylar said.They both had pointed ears and tail like Chase.But Sklar had Skye's color but lighter and Chase's eyes.Same with her sister,but darker.

"I'm worn out."Skyla said."Where's your sister?"

"She visited Dotty who visited Honey."he said.

"T-then why d-d-do I s-see H-h-h-h-Halo's blood?"

"What?!"her sister said.

"That's her voice!She in danger."Midnight growled."Tell your and my parents that I'm looking for Halo."

Midnight picked up her scent and followed it.He arrvived just in time to see blood spilling out her fur as a wolf bit at her."Halo!"Midnight whimpered.The wolf sunk his teeth into her paw.Then placed a paw on her leg,pushed down and snap!

"Leave my sister alone!"Midnight growled.He hoped his father and uncles would come already.

"She your sister?"the wolf asked innocently."Oh,well."The wolf bit down on her broken paw to the point blood popped out.Midnight left already hearing his sister crying in pain as the wolf pup hurt her more.He found his cousin Avalanche and began talking fast.

"Sister...wolf...hurt...danger...wolfpack...HELP ME!"Avalanche sighed.Not because his little cousin was in danger.He thought he was lucky to wear his pup pack.He followed his cousin.He found his sister in the same spot.More wolves surrouned her.Snowstorm,Target,Chase,Minty,Everest,Dylan and Sierra Mist were there.

"Look.I just want my niece back."Snowstorm was saying.Sierra was the only pup.She looked as fierce as Minty looked.

"Give me my niece before I kill you."Minty growled.Her eyes narrowed."Litterly kill you."

"Aunt Minty."Avalanche whispered,tugging at her.Minty looked at him,her eyes softened."Where's uncle Shadow?Aren't they his reletives too?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out."Minty said,laying down next to the snow white pup as the other talked with the wolves."Her heard his daughter's cry and disappered.There's million's of black wolves here.Grey and white too.But we know only the real Shadow would help us.Maybe he has a trick up his paw."

"I think Sierra does too."Avalanche said."She's gone!"

Minty and Midnight looked over where Mist was.

In the wolf pack(it's called watch ya pup)...

Avalanche was right.Sierra has a trick.I wouldn't call it one but you would.Rubble just doesn't know he adopted a ninja/boxer/spy pup.Of course,her white and mint fur gave it up.Her green eyes sparkled as she approched Halo.

"Hey!"a wolf called."There goes one of them!"

Thinking quickly,Sierra held Halo,got a grappling hook,and disappered in a tree."Think fast suckers!"Sierra laughed as she jumped from tree to tree.

"Thanks Mist."Halo said,wrapping up her paw as they rested on a tree."But you left hook on a tree.The wolves will get us!And there's a bridge in between each tree."

"This ninja pup knows what she's doing."she told the black wolf pup.

"Sierra.I see you've joined that gang of worthless mutts."a black wolf pup said.

"You know you're talking about your own cousins,right Scar?"Sierra said,hugging Halo."And no,I'm not scared of Bart."The grey and black wolf snarled.

On the ground...

"How in the world did you double knot this,Halo?"Avalanche asked,breaking the knot that was Halo's "cast".

"C'mon hurry."Midnight rushed."Dad's gonna blame this on me saying, 'You have to watch over all memebers of your family.Or you will pay the price.' all the time."

"I think that's rude of him."Sierra said,rubbing her aganist his."You and Halo are old enough to watch over yourselves."

Blushing deeply,the white wolf continued."I think it has something to do with his past."

"I bet that explains why we only heard of mom's side of the family."Halo said."But doesn't explain why we never heard of any of our grandmothers and a grandfather.The only grandparent we ever heard of was grandpa Ty,mom's dad."

"All done."Avalanche said."Stay off the paw.And your dad was abandoned like Mist here."He shot an apoligesteic look."And our other grandma is Z.And she hates wolves.That's why she won't visit us."Avalanche wrapped pink tape around the blue cast."But don't forget uncle Hurricane.He and our moms or aunts have the same dad but different mom who was a husky.Her name was Flake.But never visited because she's in Alaska."

"How do you know so much about our family history?"Midnight asked.

"Uncle Marshall's really nosey and bad at keeping secrets."Avalanche answered."Anyway,bye."he began to run off."I promised my little sister to she how to fly a kite!"

"Did he really forget-"Halo began.

"Yep.He's hiding something."Midnight said.

"Get on my back."Mist said."It's ok.I'll check him later."

As they walked back,they heard the wolves howl,shout and growl,"You'll pay for this!We'll get one of the others!You can run,but you can't hide!"

You never know what may lie ahead inthe future.

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