The one I loved the most

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"Hey rang."Shadow called out."Shouldn't we kinda skip Point Rock for today?"

"Come on Shadow."ranger whined."It's your first day back.You crossed out like 20 places that are too dangerous.Sunset Peaks?How is that dangerous?!"

"Uggh."Shadow growled."Fine.Sunset Peaks and Point Rock.Those are the only 2."

"Perfect.Now put on your cap and come on.Our group is coming."ranger said.


"Shadow?Come in Shadow!"Shadow's tag lit up.

"I'm here Ryder."Shadow said,motioning to Ranger to continue."What is it?"

"Hehe."Ryder laughed.Halo kinda unleashed the chickens.But...Dusty kinda tripped over a rock,bumped into Halo and now there's chicken's everywhere.On your way to Farmer Yumi's,look out for any chickens."

"You got it Ryder."Shadow said."Hey rang.Gotta go."

"See ya tomorrow Shadow."Ranger called."Hope your daughter and wife loves that rabbit."

Shadow raced over to Farmer Yumi's in no time."Hey Ryder."

"Hey Shadow."Ryder said."Where did you get the rabbit?"

"I found her hurt on one of my trails."Shadow answered."I was gonna give to a girl in my group but she didn't like rabbits.So she's for Amar and Halo."

"She pretty.Let me hold on to her for now."Ryder said.

A little while later,Chase,Crane and Shadow come back worn out.

"Who knew chickens could do that?"Crane sighed."I really think chickens hate me."

"They hate me too.I've herded sheep before but not chickens."Chase whined.

"They're lucky I'm not hungry."Shadow snickered.

"Well you got them without a scratch."Ryder laughed."And here's your rabbit Shadow.What's her name?"

"Maybe Dew Root."Shadow said."I dunno.But we should get back before a chicken gets loose."

"I agree."everyone said.


The 3 dogs ran until they reached the Lookout.As usal,a mishap happened.Marshall and Dotty was in the way.Shadow and Chase tripped over some chew toys.Crane tried to run out the way.Every crashed into a big pile decorated by chew toys.

"Are guys OK?"Ryder laughed.

"I'm OK."Dotty answered."Luckly I landed on dad."

Crane shook a speak toy out of his fur."And we landed on each other and chew toys."

"Did Buster and Reggie do this again?"Honey asked running outside.Hip sat next to her.

"I think so."Hip answered."They are trouble makers.Maybe even Silver joined."

"I'll go ask them."Honey barked.

Everybody laughed.

"Hey!What's so funny?"Honey snapped.

"You really think that would work,sweetie?"Hip asked.Honey stormed off.Hip chased her.


"Buddy."Honey asked."Where are your pups at?"

"They're watching TV.What's up?"Buddy asked.

"Can ask the trouble-makers a few questions a few questions?"Honey said.

"Sure.Arf!Arm away!"Buddy answered."Pups!"Scattering paws came into the room.

"Did you pups make another mess outside again?""Honey glared sternly.

Silver spoke up."The boys did with help from Cocoanut and Cocoa."

"Yeah.They did."Candy squeaked mearly.

Buddy glared at his boys."Reggie.Buster.Pal.Are your sisters and aunt lying?"

"Yes!"they said at once.

"C'mon girls.Let's go."Buddy said to his daughters."Your mother will hear about this."


"Buddy.Are you there?"Ryder called through his collar.

"Yeah.I'm here."Buddy said.

"I need you to Laughter River."Ryder said.Something's going on.I sent Shadow,Snowstorm,Chase and Minty as well."

"On it Ryder."Buddy said.Then beamed at his daughters."Your coming with me.We just have to grab my...Shadow?!"

"Hop in guys."Shadow smiled.Buddy grumbled and put his daughters in.Then himself.

"This is cool!"Silver yelled.

"This is scary!"whimpered Candy.

"Come sit next to me Candy."Buddy said to daughter.She sat near legs and whimpered.

"Almost..there!"Shadow howled and skidded to a stop.

"Uggh.Stay in here girls.I smell wolves and they're bad.I'm trusting you Silver."Buddy glared at his daughter and rushed off.Chase was on his tail.

On the mission...

"Hey.It's Shadow!"one wolf snickered."I say we get him first,then his little girlfriend."

"Or maybe,"the second wolf growled thoughtfully."I saw we kill he rest but save his girlfriend."The wolf walked around Minty slyly.And kissed her.Minty growled threateningly.

"Don't ever do that again in your life or I you'll die."she growled.She put a paw on his cheek."And it's not a threat.It's a promise."She scratched him and dodged his own,moving Chase out the way and ducking.

"Don't make hurt you sweetie."the wolf laughed slyly.

Minty smiled slyly herself."Please.I dare you."

"Here he goes again."Chase sighed and stuck to the plan."Lights out!"

"Hey doggy.Why don't y-"the wolf started until he fell to the ground.

"Thanks Polo."Minty said.

"Anytime sis."Polo said."Nobody hurts my sister and gets away with it."A third wolf walked to Shadow.

"Heh.Your a better fighter than any of these wimps."he snickered."How about you join.And we'll give back your little Doberman girlfriend."

"Wait what?'Minty and Shadow exclaimed.

"I refuse your offer."Shadow growled.

"Oh well."the wolf growled,delighted."She's ours now."

Minty.for once,looked sad.She walked as 2 wolves nipped at her heels."Don't be sad Shadow."she said."I'll be back before you know it."

"And just so you know,you won't be seeing your friend anymore."the first wolf pointed to human body and Shadow felt himself stiffen.No body moved nor said anything.They all walked to their trucks except for Shadow.

"He was the one I loved the most..."Shadow whimpered.

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