27. Fishy.

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 The song on which Regulus and Veronica danced in the previous chapter is shown above.

Third Person POV-

The room was lit with just one lamp, Regulus was seated on a chair, staring the lamp. he knew about Veronica's presence due to the noise of her jewelry that she wore on her feet. 

"I don't have much time, Black." no answer

"why have you called me here?" he was still staring at the lamp. 

"If this is one of your shenanigans-"

"Do you like to think that only your time is precious? it cannot go in vain for even a second?" he got up from his chair and turned towards her. 

Veronica could notice how a few rays of that light were falling on his hair. curly, messy hair making it even prettier. 

"It was a deal potter. You had asked me to meet and when I told you the about when we could you agreed, or was I hallucinating?"

"Listen, why are we making a big deal about this? I know I wanted to talk and I know I didn't come there. But I know now that it was a pointless talk. better it never happened. Infact whenever we talk. actually, let me correct, we never talk, we argue. and i just stopped one more argument from happening." Veronica said all this as a matter of fact. 

"then why did you propose to initiate one? an argument as you call it?" Regulus was now walking towards her. 

"Do not take that tone with me, Black." Veronica warned him, her glare intensifying, Regulus asked her what she meant by 'that tone' to which she answered, "as if I am someone you can order to. no one owns me." and with that she left the room. Leaving behind a smiling Regulus.

"So you are saying that reincarnation is what has happened?"

"Yes. certainly. and it's not one person."

"Then how many?"

"we don't know yet. the prophecy doesn't mention it. What we know is Veronica is one of them. it's an old soul reincarnated to a new body."

"Well how does my daughter being reincarnated help the situation, Dumbledore?"

"it changes everything, Fredrich." Dumbledore said as a matter of fact. "There are quite a few theories, him being one of the persons the prophecy is talking about. or maybe there is an equivalent to Veronica with whom together, united, Veronica can destroy him."

"I don't want to risk Nica's life."

"I am afraid it's already been done, Fredrich. I will get back to you when I find more. but yes, do tell me if there is something related to reincarnation in yours's and Adaa's family. It would help us a lot."

"Yes, Dumbledore, I will." with that, Fredrich put the empty teacup on the table and got up to leave the room. Hogwarts was empty, summer vacations were still going on. walking through the corridors he was remembering his time of school, his time with Adaa, his only true friend made in Hogwarts who had now returned. 

He remembered the letter he had got from her, telling him to meet her in Diagon alley. he was reconsidering his decision to agree to the meeting. 

"Fred don't. Don't do this. I beg you" the woman was pleading trying to hold his husband back, telling him to put his wand back and not kill her sister.

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