Chapter 11: More Lies?

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Youjin Kinoshita's POV

Outrageous... utterly outrageous! My former girlfriend Nonaka-san claimed that her cheating on me with my former best friend Kutake-san and false accusation of me cheating on her were 'pranks'. But that was the most absurd excuse I had ever heard. Of course, I do not believe that at all. She meant to ruin my reputation just to defend herself. After all, false accusers like her, Susami-san and my step sisters always make lies.

After regaining my composure, thanks to the landlady Hayashi-san, I turned my attention to the Student Council President, the school idol and my former friend, Susami-san.

"Now, Susami-san. Why didn't you let me explain my rejection of your confession? Why did you make me become everyone's punching bag to assault me?"

Those questions visible unsettled her.

"I had never thought not only you're the worst friend, but also you're the worst Student Council President and School Idol I have ever seen in my life!"

Susami-san bowed her head in shame.

"Actually, Youjin-kouhai, I am no longer the president."

Wait, what?


"She's right, Kinoshita-kun." Shinohara-sensei interjected. "After the Closing Ceremony, I reported those four girls including her to my office. They admitted the truth about what you said everything in your surprise appearance. And I removed Susami-san's position as the Student Council President. Also, the vice-president will take over next semester."

"Hhmmm... I see." I nodded with a slight smirk.

Susami-san finally got what she deserved. Despite Shinohara-sensei's intervention, I still don't trust her.

"And about your other question, I didn't do it, actually."


"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at my former friend. Is that another lie?

"I didn't order everyone to assault you, Youjin-kouhai."

I stood up while clenching my fist. Just like Nonami-san a while ago, her answer made my blood boil.


"I'm not lying, kouhai! I swear, I didn't ask them to retaliate against you!"

"LIAR!" I snapped at her. "Punch after punch and slap after slap that I received from them, they kept saying 'For Naomi-sama!', you... it's obvious they served justice for you, Susami-san! You made them brutalize me!"


"You even manipulated my own step sisters into attacking me in front of everyone, Susami-san. Those two adore you so much, you know!"

Youjin, the Cautious: After all, the Girls are No Longer be Trusted, but...Where stories live. Discover now